Chapter Two: My Baby's A What!?

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The next morning, I talked to EJ about going back to the mansion. He looked up at me sighed. "Do you really think that's a good idea?" "Don't you miss everyone?" I asked. "I guess, but what about Derek and Leah? They're just babies and it's getting cold out. Do you really think now is the best time for us to move back?" "Jack, that's what I bought them coats for. Look, we can't stay here forever, and I'm getting home sick. If you want, we can stay here until it gets warmer. We'll have more time to pack up the baby stuff anyway." Jack sighed. "Fine, but we're waiting until it gets warmer." I smiled. "Thanks EJ." So we waited out the months, which seemed to go on forever. When we finally went back, I couldn't be happier. As Slender promised, Jeff's old room became a nursery for the twins. However, even before we moved back, I noticed a strange development in Leah. She still acted like herself in most ways, but she was definitely not a normal baby. She never cried and rarely wanted to eat, much unlike her brother who always cried for me and ate like I never fed him. Yep...definitely Jeff's kid. Her appearance was odd as well. Her eyes were a dark red color and her hair was jet black. Her skin was a lot darker than mine as well. I assumed it was from whoever her father was. When I talked to Slender about it, he said he would conduct some tests when she was older. I was a bit scared for her. Slender told me it was nothing to worry about, and I took his word for it. If something was wrong, he would know. I was laying in my room, reading, when I heard something odd on the baby monitor: Leah was crying. Obviously knowing something was wrong, I ran to the nursery. The doorknob was oddly hot, but I didn't care. I tore open the door to find the room engulfed in flames. I panicked and ran towards Leah, who was crying, and then to Derek, who was oddly sleeping through all of this. I got the kids out of the room as quick as I could. "Slender!" I called. He was by my side in no time, as was EJ. "What's the matter?" He said, obviously concerned. "I pointed to the room, unable to get the words out correctly. Slender walked into the room and then came back out and looked at me. "I don't understand what you're trying to show me, the room is fine." I stood there with a what-the-fuck look clearly plastered on my face. I handed the now crying Derek to EJ and walked into the room with the still crying Leah. He was right. The room was back to it's original state. I started to place Leah back into her crib when I felt the room start to get hot again. I wasn't sure what to make of it, so I pulled Leah close to me again. I looked down into Leah's little face. "What's going on with you?" Slender and EJ were soon in the room. "Tess what's wrong?" EJ asked. "Watch." I replied. I placed Leah in her crib and watched as the room lit up again. I looked at Slender and EJ who were awe-struck. I then picked Leah back up and left the room. I couldn't figure out how to calm her down. Singing didn't help, she wasn't hungry and she didn't need to be changed. I eventually had to take her outside because one: nature walks can be soothing and two: everyone was getting annoyed with Leah's crying. The walk seemed to help, but she was still screaming bloody murder. After about an hour of walking around the woods with a crying baby, I saw the familiar figure of Slender coming towards me. "We need to talk about Leah." he said to me.

Back at the house, Slender took me to a room that kind of looked like an examination room. "I was going over that strand of hair you sent in," he told me, "When I came across something interesting. Leah's DNA is too complicated to be created from the DNA of two humans. In fact, I haven't seen DNA like this in many decades. Is there anything specific you remember about her biological father?" I shook my head. "It all happened so fast I didn't have time to take in his features." Slender nodded in a kind of disappointed manner. "Why," I asked, "What's so strange about her DNA?" "Well, it seems as though it's the DNA of a...demon." I was shocked. Did that mean that my little Leah was a...demon? "Are you saying that Leah's biological father was a demon?" Slender nodded. "That seems to be the case, yes. We might have to start tests on her sooner than I expected. It's the only way to know if she's safe to be around." I shook my head. "No." Slender looked at me, seemingly surprised by my response. "Excuse me?" "Slender, she's just a baby, she could die!" "Tess, that is not a baby, that is a spawn of something evil and deadly. Do really want it around everyone you care about, especially Derek!?" No. Fuck no, Slender. You have crossed the line. "First of all, Leah is not evil and deadly. Second of all, how dare you call her an it! You certainly didn't feel that way about her when she was born, or the months following. Leah s perfectly safe. You said yourself that her odd behaviour was nothing to worry about!" "Yes, but that was before I knew she was half human, half inferno! You need to trust me on this. Leah could be dangerous, and I don't want to see you or Derek get hurt. Now, give her to me, and you will see her once the tests are done. If there are any problems, you will be the first one I notify, alright?" I looked at my precious little girl. Somewhere along me and Slender fighting, she had ceased crying. I don't know what it was, but something about the way she was looking at me made me trust that everything would be fine. I kissed her forehead, and handed her to Slender.


Hey hey hey, darlings. I hope your enjoying the book so far. This chapter gave a big clue as to who Leah's father is and was nice and long just for you guys. I plan on posting the next chapter soon. I'm going to start working on it ASAP and, don't get your hopes up, but I might get it out to day. I love you, my little monsters, and Stay Strange.

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