Chapter Six: Daddy Dearest

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Mom walked in on what was happening and when Derek told her what had happened, she made everyone go home and had Derek and me go upstairs and wait in our rooms. I changed back into my pajamas and put my hair up into a bun while mom was talking to Derek. I didn't know what was going on. I wasn't sure if we were in trouble or what but I wasn't nervous. Considering how I acted on a daily basis, I got in trouble a lot, but it was usually Slender who punished me, not mom. I heard a knock on the door before mom opened it and stepped inside. I looked up at her and then looked back down. I was ashamed of my anger and what I almost became. I didn't want her to look at me. Mom walked up to the bed and sat next to me. There was a bit of an awkward silence before I finally spoke. "I'm sorry." I felt mom look at me. "You have nothing to be sorry for. What happened wasn't your fault. I wish you had told me that your brother's friends were being mean to you." I stared at my knees. "I was afraid to. I didn't know what would happen if I told you." Mom put her arms around me and held me close to her. "This is what  would've done. I would've held you and let you cry and cry as much as you needed to until there weren't any tears left." I laid my head on her shoulder and let the tears roll down my cheeks. "I thought you might try to interfere if I told you. Or that someone else would try to." I said, sniffling. I felt mom shake her head. She looked down at me and I looked up into her sparkling purple eyes. "Honey, I love you very much, and you know I'll always be there to pick you up when you fall, but I can't interfere with your social life at school. Leah, if someone is putting you down and hurting you feelings, the first person to stand up for you has got to be you. I'm not saying that you do this, but you can't roll through life relying on everyone to be there for you when you need them. More likely than not, they won't. Sometimes, you're all the best friend that you need." I nodded. She was usual. She hugged me and started to leave, until I asked her something that made the color drain from her cheeks..."Tell me about my dad." She turned around. "Honey, now isn't the time to discuss that." "When will it be the time then? All my life I've been waiting to get some insight as to who he is, and whenever I asked, I always get the same answer! It isn't fair!" I looked my mother dead in the eye. "Tell. Me." She shook her head. "No Leah, we've been over this. I'll tell you about your dad when you're 18." "How come Derek doesn't have to wait? When he asked you told him right away. Why is everyone in this house so prejudice towards me?" "Leah, this conversation is over." She turned around and left. I flopped back down on my bed with a frustrated sigh. "This is bullshit!" I yelled at basically no one. I heard my door open. I sat up and saw Eyeless Jack standing there with my brother. I sighed and laid back down. "What?" I said, frustrated. "'s time." EJ said. I sat back up. "Are you serious?" He nodded. Finally, we can go back home! I got up and grabbed my overnight bag out of my closet. "I'll be right down. Just give me a minute to gather my stuff." EJ nodded again and left the room...Derek didn't. "Want some help?" I nodded. "Yeah, that'd be great." He help me pack clothes and books I had brought to the mansion into my bag. I remember when Mom moved us into that little cottage like it was yesterday. Mom was getting tired of all the noise and commotion going on in the mansion so she and EJ decided to move us into a quiet little cottage far away from the mansion. It was nice and I loved the privacy we had, unlike here. "Is this all?" Derek said, breaking me from my thoughts. I turned to him and nodded. He got up. "Ok, see you downstairs." He headed for the door before I stopped him. "Derek!" He turned to face me. "Yeah?" "I need your help with something." "Derek's face became serious/worried. "What do you need?" I sighed. "I need you to help me find my dad.

_______________________________________And there you have it! Only on chapter six and we're already getting into the good stuff. Sorry this took so long. My computer makes Wattpad run slow and I hate updating on my phone. But I still hope you like it! Also! I have a new book out called Ask Me Stuff. It's for any questions you happen to have for me and such so go check that out. Alright my little monsters, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I love you darlings! Stay Strange!            

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