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By staying up day and night they were able to translate some of the books, well Xander was, Dexter and Achan did more of contacting their friends and anyone they knew around to notify them if an angel was to ask their names, and their whereabouts. They had to be prepared, because as much as they liked to think they covered all of the bases, there might be loopholes they didn't notice, and Dexter sure as hell didn't want to go back home all bruised up and try to explain to Uriel why he had forbidden books, and why he had angel beat his ass from here to oblivion. And that was only if he happened to survive the attack of a commander angel, there was more than big possibility that this angel was going to kill them on spot, no questions asked, and Dexter wasn't sure whether that was something to be annoyed or worried by.

They had organised the books ready, they'd need to leave them somewhere, Achan would be able to return them to the angels and claim he found them abandoned by whomever had stolen them, Dexter could only wish they'd buy the explanation, because he wasn't doing this whole banishing thing alone. This was all Achan's plan, he was just following along. They'd head back closer to home, where the battleground would be one they knew, they'd need to lure Orion out, somehow, Dexter wasn't quite sure yet how, but considering the two of them had the face which usually annoyed the shit out of people, picking a fight wouldn't be too hard. Dexter had bullied Mika enough to alert them if he caught a sight Of Orion, so the guardian angel's dating was brought to a halt and he was forced to go patrolling the city.

All they'd need to do was to pack the car again and go. Achan would grab the books, drop them off, they'd meet up again and make a plan how to lure an angel out. Dexter didn't like the plans, so many loopholes.

"Sure you don't want to eat a bit before you go, I mean sure angel might feel a bit bad if he sees your skinny ass but, seriously Dexter!" Xander threw his arms up in the air in the most dramatic way possible, only to get a cold look in return, Xander was the sensible one out of all of them, the mother hen, always offered food, drink, ushered someone into bed when they looked tired. It was just how the man had learned to be during all the lifetimes he had had on earth.

"Fine, I hope you drop dead on the way then", of course, Xander still had the huffy child inside of him, when one didn't do as was probably the best for the person he mother hen was trying to guide. Dexter didn't know which one was more annoying, the expectant looks or the disappointed ones. Xander did a good imitation of both.

"I'm pretty sure I can look after myself", Dexter's sentence got an eyeroll in return, from fucking both of the men he was standing with, only adding up to his annoyance, he didn't want to be there.

"Let's get going, I should arrive an hour or so after you, if things go as planned", Achan was looking up studying the sky, there was no moon tonight, so it would be safer for them to slip away. They had agreed on distress message/signal if Achan didn't get away and he was dragged into heaven for further questioning, and then Dexter would have to come up with a plan B to be able to keep his neck safe and complete this task they had at hand. Yes, plan B involved calling Uriel, spilling the beans, taking the nagging he'd get and then the elder angel could deal with all this crap.

The hunter gave a nod for the angel, and despite being in the middle of the city Achan was spreading his wings out, Dexter felt just slightly jealous by it, but he had a fast car. It would make up for not having wings to go up in the sky with.

In the background there was a sound of wind chimes, Dexter didn't think anything of it, not even if Xander was curious enough to duck back into the shop to see what it was about, Dexter knew Xandr had plenty of wind chimes and other things blessed or cursed to alert him of different things, and as the man emerged from the shop, oh boy, the hunter didn't waste time to grab his sword from the car. Things looked to get bad now.

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