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Several weeks went by and each day the boys would go out in search of the aliens, but the result was always the same.

No sign of them anywhere.

Then, one day, while the helicopters were on patrol, Bill received a call from Jim.

"Bill we've spotted them. They are walking down the highway, right toward our camp, from the west.

We're going in for an attack."

"Be careful," Bill reminded them.

"We'll be there in a few minutes."

"Ok, Bill. They are about ten miles from camp."

"Ok, Jim. We're on our way.

Bill to base."

"We heard, Bill," Tom told him.

"This is a red alert," Bill told him.

"Get the truck out there as fast as you can. We're gonna give them everything we got."

"Right on boss. We're on the way."

Bill's helicopter was now within view of the aliens.

There, too, was Jim's helicopter, with Addison dropping grenades, gas bombs and sensors on the aliens below.

Bill's helicopter went straight in, with machine-guns firing. The group had mounted two machine guns on the front of each helicopter.

Mark took out the alien laser gun and opened fire as well.

The aliens were completely disorganized and caught off guard.

They ran off, in every direction, seeking cover. Very few returned fire, at the helicopters.

The helicopters would take turns, swooping in on a group of aliens, drop a bomb and move off, again.

This continued for about fifteen minutes, until the truck arrived on the scene.

Bill yelled at Jim's helicopter over the handset.

"Wait until the truck gets by."

"Right on," Jim yelled back.

The truck drove down the road, a few hundred yards from the aliens and skidded to a stop.

Immediately, the back doors opened and the four heavy field sub machine-guns opened fire on the aliens.

Grenade launchers were set up, outside by several of the group and the alien sensor cannon was fired, from the crow's nest.

While those on the truck took care of the aliens on the highway, Jim and Bill split up and searched each side of the road, for aliens that had taken to the forest.

The choppers would seek them out and drop grenades or sensor bombs on them.

Back at the truck, more of the group was now outside the safety of the truck, fighting the aliens on foot.

Alien Attack ... The Never Ending Struggle (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now