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To be honest,
I was being a coward.
Trying to impress you and be someone I wasn't. 

To be honest,
I felt so damn dirty,  even when I showered.
I scrubbed and scrubbed but the guilt weighed a ton.

To be honest,
I was never built to be impressive.
I never said I was more than a bystander.

To be honest,
you never gave me a shot.
You shunned me like a mother with a disappoting daughter.

To be honest,
you are like the moutain tops you ride the sky like a kid rides his bike.
You seprate the land in half by your majestic beauty and divide the world in two. But, at the same time you unit us as one.

To be honest,
I was never mad at you.
You showed me that I was stronger than I thought.
You taught me how to say no and demand to be treated as I deserved. I was never angry, I just thought you'd never turn into something your not.


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