Chapter Eleven

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     I have two days left with Jasper at this point and his health is much better. I suggested we go to a bookstore, somewhere he likes to go to think. I finally get dressed and smile as I look at Jazz tying his shoes, having difficulty. "What's got you so nervous?" I help tie his shoes.

     "I barely have time left with you before you leave..."

     "But you still have time." I kiss him lightly before grabbing my phone and wallet.

     "I didn't think you liked bookstores that much."

     "Not as much as you."

     "But this trip is for-"

     "Us." I mess up his hair and he groans.

     "I worked so hard on my hair!"

     "You don't need to." I kiss his cheek and grab his hand as we head out. I follow him to the bookstore and I quietly look through the humor section.

     "Finding ways to annoy me?" Jazz says quietly as he approaches me.

     I put a hand on the small of his back. "I could just do this..." I slap his ass and covers his mouth.

     "Hunter!" He whisper yells.

     "Yeah, babe?" I kiss him and then walk away.

     He follows and pushes me into the horror section. "Stop your nonsense." He kisses me and I barely kiss back. He deepens it and tugs at my shirt.

     I stop him. "Definitely not here...and not again." I sigh when he looks hurt. "I don't want to spend our time like this, okay?" I touch his cheek and he moves away. "Jasper-"

     "Can we pay and leave?"

     "Jazz." I stop him and look him in the eyes. "I love you." I take his books and kiss his forehead. I pay and carry his books as we walk around a bit.

     Jasper slows down a bit.

     I go his pace. "You're mad..."

     "I just wanted to have a moment..."

     "We will always have moments, okay?" I take his hand and he squeezes it. "Jazz?"

     "I..." He stops. "I think I'm gonna be sick..." 

     I lead him inside a store and to the bathroom. I lock the door and get him in a stall.

     He bends over the toilet and empties himself.

     I put down the bag of books and rub his back. I push his hair back as round two commences. I sigh when he's finally done. "Jasper, are you alright?" I make him sit on the bathroom counter and clean his face. "You're sweating..." I take off my jacket and tank top and take his long sleeved shirt off. I put my tank top on him and put on his shirt. I tie the jacket around my waste and put a hand to his forehead.

     "I don't know..."

    "You're gonna be okay...I'm gonna take you to the doctor's and see what's going on, okay?"

     He slowly nods.

     "Can you stand up?" I help him down and he stands a bit wobbly. "I can carry you-"

     "Please." He puts his arms around my neck and I lift him onto my hips.

     I get him to the car and drive him to a doctor.

     "Well,'re a bit over the weather, but nothing serious. It looks like you just ate something bad."

     "That can't be right..." Jazz murmurs.

     "This says you're lactose intolerant."

     "I didn't know..." He sighs. "I guess that explains a lot..." He puts a hand on his stomach.

     "Thank you." I stand up and hug him. "You're just fine, baby..." I say when the doctor leaves. "I got so worried there..." I kiss his cheek and take his hand. "I think we should go home...I can make you soup and we can watch scary movies."

     "That sounds good."

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