Chapter Seven

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Niall's P.O.V.

When I heard the door slam the first time I stood up immediately. I didn't let anyone say anything to me I just shoved my hands in my jean pockets and started up away from the fire down to the water. I heard Louis call after me but I didn't stop. Haddie rejected me. She kissed me and dismissed me. Well that royally sucks ass. 

I don't know really why I was trying to hold her hand or try and be intimate. I just felt like I needed to after we shared such a kiss. A magical kiss. A wonderful kiss. A perfect kiss. But now Haddie's made it apparent that it wasn't as magical and wonderful and perfect I thought it was. She obviously didn't feel the same way I do--did. And then Harry decided to run in after her and be all romantic with her and of course Harry and Haddie will spark a wonderful relationship and that will be that. I have to start getting over her. Like now. 

Hadleigh May Connors who?

Damn that's not possible. I guess you can't just forget someone in the blink of an eye. Especially not someone like Haddie. But I have to. I have to forget her. I can't be in love with her if her and Harry will probably get together. I'm not allowed to love her if that happens. But the way Harry stormed in after her obviously meant something. He cared about her. More than friends...I think. I don't know. I'm not Harry. I don't know what's running through that brain somewhere deep down underneath those curls. I'm telling you. There's got to be a brain in there somewhere...right? 

But then Haddie's image came across in my thoughts and I was frozen. All I was doing was thinking about her hair and her eyes and...I got lost. I probably looked like an idiot. Luckily no one was around to see me. A smile came across my face...then I picture her and Harry together, laughing flirtatiously. My smile turned into a saddened frown. I can't believe this is happening to me.

I sat down at the end of the dock and slipped off my shoes. I stuck my feet in the water, still warm from that day's sun. I folded my hands together across my lap and squinted up at the sun. I just sat there. The sun was slowly setting beneath the trees. It was peaceful. Every now and then a boat would pass by and I would wave. No one noticed me though. They just thought I was some lunatic sitting at the end of a dock. The water was calm and there was a touch of a breeze. 

Outside was peaceful...inside it was hell.

I can't believe this will be the end of whatever I had planned for Haddie and me. I thought yeah, maybe we would date...eventually maybe go down that long road of growing old together, but at the time all I wanted was to have her. She's like seriously perfect. I mean she's gorgeous. She's got a wonderful personality and she's cute...she's beautiful. I mean not only is she beautiful on the outside but she is seriously gorgeous on the outside too. But she has the hots for Harold. 

She's allowed to like whoever she wants. But I really want it to be me who she likes. And only me. I love Harry with my whole heart; he's my best friend, but I would rather me have Haddie than Harry...damn I sounded selfish. No. I do want Haddie. And I don't want Harry to be in the picture of our relationship at all. Well...a relationship I only wish I had.

I heard some some footsteps creeping down the stairs. It sounded an awful lot like Haddie. I didn't turn around but I just groaned. I don't want to speak to Haddie right now. I'm trying to forget her, remember?

"I don't want to speak to anyone right now, Haddie." I told her. A voice stopped me cold in my thoughts.

"It's not Haddie." A girl's voice rang out, echoing across the water. Chills ran up my spin. Oh God. I whipped around and saw her, smirking and grinning.


 ***************************** AUTHOR'S NOTE ****************************

Cliffhanger! :D--i mean--:O lol I already know what's gonna happen! hahaha xD jk im not that funny. okay so I would also appreciate comments for an actress to play Chelsea! i chose Dianna Agron to play Haddie. so if you could comment telling me who should play Chelsea that'd be great! I kind of picture her with died hair, whatever color. I don't know! Up to you guys! haha anyways COMMENT! READ! LIKE! thanks! i might post another chapter later tonight(: Dont forget to check out my new book Relocating 1D!! Thanks lovelys! I love you all!!! :D

-Kate xx 

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