New Beginnings

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I was born in a basket in a really warm house. All I remember was the warmth, the pleasant smell of what I later found out was cinnamon, and the soft voice of an old lady as she gushed over my tiny little body.

I cried out, helpless and scared. My mommy licked me all over and nudged me close to her body to eat. I competed with another pup, who kept pushing me off. By the sounds, there were many other pups. Many pups all getting milk but me.

So I whimpered and cried.

The kind old lady took me in her soft wrinkled hands and gently lifted a warm bottle to my mouth. I drank the sweetest milk that day. With a full belly, I was tired. I took a nap I didn't know I needed. I had a sense of security ever since.

Over the next few weeks, I grew. I opened my eyes. I heard more with my ears. I moved with my legs and soft paws. All my brothers and sister were so much bigger. They grew faster.

People came. They took my brothers and sisters away when they did. The old lady would always put me and Mama in her lap or beside her on the couch. I would cuddle the lady or my mother. I didn't want to see them go.

Eventually, it was just me and Mama. All her attention was on me. It made my tail wag at first, until I saw her whine alone one day. She missed them. I couldn't fix it. In fact, it was my fault. If I had been cuter, maybe they would have taken me and left another one of my brothers or sisters. That had me down for days.

I stayed close while trying to cheer her up. My mama slowly began to get happier as the days went by. My mission was complete. The next few days, we snuggled by the fireplace and slept soundly.

It was really cold in the following days. White powdery stuff fell from the sky. I was scared at first, then learned it was fun to bite at. I fell onto it and learned that it was fun to roll in, but it was very cold. Mama had to warm me up after.

Two more days like that continued. On the third, I ran to the door with a wagging tail. The old lady shoed me away. I went back to Mommy.

A man came in and hugged the old lady, followed by a little brown haired girl. I skeptically approached them and licked their toes. My tail wagged. The man picked up his foot and kicked me softly out of the way. I sat and whimpered.

The little girl picked me up in her arms. She cuddled and hugged me. I licked her face. She giggled and played with me the whole day long. The man left, but she stayed and even let me sleep with her in her bed. She was the best girl in the world. I knew then that I loved her. She was my human.

The next morning, I woke up in the girl's arm as she walked out the door. I barked for my mama. She didn't come. I soon learned that I was going home with the girl.

Fortunately, it wasn't the last time I would see my mommy. I soon figured out the girl's name: Cecilia. She lived with lots of animals, a kind lady as her mother, and the mean old man as her father. The old lady was her grandmother, and she brought my mommy every time she visited.

My girl named me Raven, after the black spots on my back in the shapes of the birds she called ravens. I grew up with her. Years passed and I never left her side; she never left mine.

I never knew my purpose before now. I watch over her animals while she's away, and protect her when she's near. She says I'm one of a kind. The patterns on my back mean I have the spirit of a free fearless raven.

Every night before I turn in, I walk into my dog house, curl up, and repeat to myself: "Raven is my name. I'm fearless and free. I will protect my girl with my life. My girl says I'm special."

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