Part 1

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"So what do you think (Y/N)?" Elizabeth Allan, my best friend, was showing off her new wardrobe to me.

"It looks great Liz," I softly smile at her as we sit down at our usual lunch table next to our other friends.

"You don't seem very interested in it," Liz says a bit concerned.

"Oh no!" Did I really sound like I had apathy (lack of interest)? "Of course not, it looks great!" I didn't want to worry her anything was wrong, but honestly, I did like her outfit.

"Ok, that's good because I didn't want to look bad in public," I laugh a little but she looks at me like she was serious, so I stopped.

"Yeah yeah," I wave, "we all know that's impossible."

"You're right," she says defeated and that makes me laugh.

After a while of talking and eating the time for lunch to end comes.

"Text you after school," I say to Liz.

"Text you then," she replies. With that, we part ways and head to class.

***Time break***

It was after school and I was at home when Liz had texted me.

Liz: Hey (Y/N)! What up?

Me: Hey Liz. I'm just at
home with homework.
Please tell me you're
doing something better.

Sorry to say, but I'm kind of
doing the same

That's unlike her, She usually doesn't have homework but instead finishes at school.

Surprising actually

Yeah, but we got an

extra assignment in a
class and that's what I'm working on.

Makes sense. Since this
is a Friday, do you
maybe want to spend
the night or at least
hang out?

Sound like fun. I'll
ask and most likely
be there.

Perfect, see you
later then?

Yup, see you

With that, I turned off my phone and finished my homework.

About ten to twenty minutes had passed and I heard the front door open.

"I'm here!" I heard a familiar voice yell through the house. I hop out of bed and casually walk downstairs.

"(Y/N)!" I hear another voice come from a room upstairs then a door opens, " I thought I told you Liz can spend the night whenever but you just have to tell me." It was my mom who looked at my mind of angry.

I scrunch up and remember that I never asked for her to stay over, I quickly turn around and innocently smile at my mom, "sorry I forgot to tell you. So can Liz spend the night?"

My mom sighs, "yes but make sure you tell me next time or you're going to be in trouble."

"Yes, ma'am!" I say to her as she walks back into her room. I take a sigh of relief and look back at the person at the door who you could tell was Liz, "sorry about that, I just forgot."

Liz laughs at me as we walk up to my room, "wow, you usually don't forget these kinds of things."

"Yeah I know, I don't see how I forgot so easily," I say and we laugh together.

We arrive in my room and get settled in. I sit on my bed and turn on my TV but turning down the volume.

"So what did you bring?" I ask Liz grabbing her bag.

"Nothing unusual," she states and I begging to dig in her bag. This was kind of a thing we did when we are at each other's house.

I open it and pull out a blanket, a brush, a charger cord plus adapter, and some makeup supplies. She was right, there was nothing new or out of the ordinary.

Then as I begin to put her bag on the ground something from the tv catches my eye. I look and the news was on.

I grab the remote and turn up the volume, "you see this right?" I ask Liz who also stares at the tv.

"Yeah, do you?" She asks with some sarcasm in her tone. On the tv was a bank, just like any other, but it was burning down. Three guys in masks were running out of the side of the building carrying large sacks over their shoulders.

"Yeah I see it, that's insane," I comment, "burning down a whole bank just to steal the money."

"I agree, I hope everyone's okay," Liz says. Just then we see a figure swing into the action.

"Reporters say it was a man by the name of Spider-Man who saved the day," the news guy from the tv says, "no one knows who he really is, but they hope to find out soon, and now, Carl, with the weather."

"I wonder who he actually is," Liz says and I turn down the TV volume.

"Who Carl?" I say sarcastically, "he's the weather guy."

"No, not him out idiot," Liz throws a pillow at me and we both laugh, "I mean Spider-Man. He's always coming in to save the day, but is he an actual superhero?"

"I would think so," I ponder into thought about this for a moment.

"He doesn't look that old either," Liz mentions, "I wonder if he goes to our school."

"Out of all the schools in this city and you say he goes to ours? I don't think so," there was like a 2% chance he could have gone to our school.

"It's possible," she says.

After that, we just talk about some random things and then realizing how late it was we decided to go to sleep. And the night ended.


I thought that went fairly well. Could've been better in my opinion but it goes along with something.

Bye for now
And enjoy.

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