Part 2

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The night had ended and it was around lunchtime. Although Liz had gone home, I keep finding remains of her makeup around your room.

Me: You left some of
your makeup here

I decided to text Liz to remind her about it.

Liz: yeah I know, could you please
bring that to school with you on

Alright, but you better
remember them next time

I'll try not to forget
anything I promise

I laugh and remember that she always leaves something at my house no matter what.

Lol, alright I'll bring it to you

***Time Break***

It was now Monday and I had Liz's makeup with me. I get to school and go to the girls' restroom where Liz had asked me to meet her for her makeup.

"There you are (Y/N)," Liz practically yells at me, "I've been waiting for five minutes!"

"Oh chill, it's not like you'll die without it," I tell her. Liz always acts protective of her makeup and acts like she really can't live without it which get kind of annoying at times but was still funny.

"Well, I can't go a day without this," she complains, "it's like going to school without a pencil, you need that don't you?" I think for a moment and realize she was right, "it's just the same as me and makeup."

"Yeah, you're right, just hurry up otherwise we might be late for class," I was waiting there next to Liz while she put on the makeup that I had returned to her. 

"Beauty takes time, (Y/N)," great now Liz lectures me. What's new? "If you don't apply it correctly you can come out looking like a witch.  If you did your makeup you'd understand."

"I wish I could say that I agree, but I just can't," I say and look at my phone looking at the time, jeez, we have ten minutes! How did I get here so early?

I don't notice but Liz looked at my phone to see the time as well, "we have enough time, why don't I do your makeup too?" She suggests, "it'll look nice."

Liz waves her mascara bottle in front of me, "no, I'm fine, you know I don't like that stuff anyway," I shake my head refusing the offer.

"Oh come on (Y/N), I won't take too long and will be over be before you know it!" Liz opens the mascara bottle and starts to take out the brush.

"Fine!" knowing I can't refuse her offer, therefore I agree with her doing my makeup.

After nearly five minutes she backs up and faces me a hand mirror from her bag. I look and decide that I don't look too bad. I hand Liz back her mirror and look in the mirror on the bathroom wall above the sink.

"I told you you'll look nice," she brags, "so how do you like it?"

"I need to itch my eye so bad!" I blink rapidly in the hope that the itchy feeling will stop.

"Well, don't you'll mess it up," Liz fans my eyes with her hand and soon the itchy feeling dies down.

"That feels better now," I sigh of relief and grab my bag, "now let's leave before we are actually late."

"Alright," Liz finally agrees, "well let me get my makeup back in my bag first."

It takes a while, but Liz finishes putting her makeup into her bag and then we head out of the bathroom, the hallways are flooded with people rushing to class and I look down in embarrassment of my makeup.

"Don't hide it," Liz says lifting up my head and smiling brightly at me, "you look good."

I take her advice and look up at the people in the hallway. Thankfully no one looked at me as I look around at everyone else. No one may have been looking at me but I did catch a glimpse of someone looking near me. Who was that?  I think to my self.

I look back around and catch Peter Parker staring this way. I didn't know whether he was looking at me or not but either way, I put my head back down.

After we pass Peter in the hall I look back at him for a moment. I follow his line of vision and notice he is not staring at me but instead at Liz. That's a relief, but why was he looking at Liz? I look at her and I see that she hasn't really noticed him at all.

It was strange really that he was looking at her and I was kind of confused at first, but whatever the case I looked forward and continued to walk by Liz's side until we got to our lockers which were relevantly close to each other.

"Did you see anyone in the hall looking at me weirdly?" I ask Liz concerning.

"Nope, not one person," she reassuringly tells me, and I sigh of relief. But I can't shake off the fact that Peter was looking at Liz.

I get my things into my locker and pulled out the things I need for my first class.

"I'll see you during lunch," I say to Liz as we part our ways to go to class.

"All right bye!" We wave and at last,



Thanks to all of you who have read this. It makes me really happy. Also if you haven't read the description I will try to update this every Friday, if not the next day.

And also, tell me what you guys think of this story by voting or commenting or share some things I could do to make it better. It'd really help me a lot.

That's all for now
Till next week

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