Part 10

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Why was he crying? The question kept repeating in my head. I'm sure he's seen people die before when he was saving the town and stuff, so why was this so different. Maybe because he actually knew me.

My vision begins to blur but I could feel Peter getting closer to me. I didn't know what to expect, or what to do. But before anything else happened, all went black. I couldn't see, hear, feel, or move.

I wake up suddenly as if it were all a dream. I was even in a bed, only it wasn't my bed. I was in a hospital.

I tried to move my head just to look around but I was held still by a neck brace? Because of this, I had to move my whole body to look around.

There wasn't much, just a bunch of medical supplies and a TV on a wall. There was also a door but was closed. And the room was a bit dark and no one was around, it was quiet too. Other than the constant beeping of my heartbeat on a smaller tv thing that tracked my heart rate. Beep Beep, it quietly went at a fairly slow rate.

Just then the door opened to reveal a doctor, "oh, (Y/N)," he said surprised, "we didn't expect you to wake up until tomorrow."

I opened my mouth but again nothing came out, "just rest for now. Your vocal cords were damaged a bit but we got them all taken care of." He gave me a bright smile and I replied with a weak one.

What day is it? How long have I been in the hospital? I still had so many questions.

"Don't worry about any of it though," the doctor says doing a 'check up' on me, "they'll be healed by tomorrow."

"For now, you have a visitor," I look at the door and see the friendly face of Liz.

Liz, I'm so happy to see you! I want to say to her as I open my arms to her for a hug.

"(Y/N)! You're awake!" She accepts my hug and we just sit there a hug for a bit.

Liz breaks the hug, "how are you feeling?" She asks. And I give her the thumbs-up for a yes and she smiles.

"Does it hurt at all?" Liz sits on the bed near my feet. I give her a thumbs-down for a no. Over to the left, I can hear the doctor leave the room.

"I brought some flowers for you," she smiles and shows my the bouquet of flowers filled with all my favorite ones. To thank her I smile widely and take them.

Liz looks over to a desk next to my bed, "looks like some other people brought you some flowers before me." She walks over to the desk and picks up a card, "wonder who this is from,"

I reach out my hand to the card with a gimme-gimme look on my face. Liz hands me the card laughing a bit. I hold it in front of my face and open the envelope that has my name on it.

Inside there is a card with a picture of Spider-Man. I can probably tell who this is from. I look at Liz who is sitting so desperately in her seat to know what it says.

I pull out the card and her enthusiasm sinks, "who gives a Spider-Man card for a get well soon card?" She complains. I just shrug since I can't actually tell her who it's from.

I open the card and begin to read.


I know you think that this is kind of stupid that I'm sending a Spider-Man card. But it's just to hide my identity. Look, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from being shot, it should've been me and not you. I was just too caught up in the moment and forgot about the other guy. If it makes you feel any better, I think you are taller than me.

I know that you saw me crying over you when you were shot on the ground but those were manly tears. Totally not at all because I was sad.

You're a really funny person though, we should hang out sometime. The real me, of course. Not the heroic me.

Your friendly neighborhood hero,

I smiled and folded the card up putting it back in the envelope. I look over at Liz who sits in her seat looking at me in suspense.

I look at her a little annoyed, "so, what's it say?" Liz says excitedly.

I shrug my shoulders in a not-much sort of way. Liz's enthusiasm sinks again and I silently laugh at her.

"Man, really wish you were out of the hospital so we could do something," Liz slouches in her chair and sighs.

I sigh as a reply and lean back in my bed. I wish I could tell her so much, but I couldn't talk. Even if I tried I couldn't say much.

"Welp, I'll be going now," Liz says after checking her phone for the time, "I'll be late for dinner if I don't leave soon."

She stands up and waves, "see you tomorrow (Y/N)," Liz hugs me one more time and I hug her back.

Liz breaks the hug and heads for the door, "bye," she finally says.

"Bye," I try to say, and surprisingly something comes out and Liz hears it.

"Omg! You talked!" Liz stops and smiles at me, "but the doctors said you wouldn't be able to talk to tomorrow when you were supposed to wake up."

I smile worriedly at her, "you should get going," I struggle to say, "don't want to be late."

"Save your talking for tomorrow when I get here because if you cat talk I'll be so mad!" Liz practically yells. At last, she leaves the room waving at me.

I smile and wave. I'll save it, don't worry.


Look, some of you might be somewhat confused on some topic but don't worry. It'll all be explained. You'll see.

I won't tell you when
Till next update.

Secrets Reveal (Spiderman x reader fanfic)(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now