the fight

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"Go away, Steve!" Tony screamed, shoving the soldier away

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"Go away, Steve!" Tony screamed, shoving the soldier away. The blonde stayed put, feet glued to the ground.

"Tony. Let's talk about this."

"No! There's nothing I want to talk about with you!"


"I said go away, Steve!" Tony screamed in his face before closing the lab's glass door. Through the glass he heard, "F.R.I.D.A.Y., put the lab on lockdown."

And with that, the glass darkened and the door was basically bolted shut. He knew yelling wouldn't help, though he desperately wanted to scream for Tony to give him half an ear to why he did what he did.

He, in all honesty, did not mean to cheat on Tony those months ago. He just got mad Tony seemed to be spending time with every other person but Steve. Hell, Tony seemed to enjoy the company of his A.I.s before he'd talk to Steve. He just wanted Tony to get jealous. A little riled up. Maybe even think that he might be losing Steve. So he flirted with a pretty red head girl with freckles splattered across her pale face. Sure, she was cute, but she wasn't Steve's type.

Well, talking lead to flirting, flirting lead to dancing, dancing lead to touching, and touching lead to an unwanted kiss. Which lead to Tony storming out of the bar and multiple beer bottles thrown at his head, full or empty. He remembered Clint even taking out his hearing aids just so he didn't have to listen to the chains of swears pouring out of Tony's lips.

That day was just about three months ago. Since then, Tony has been sleeping in his lab (hell, he's even moved a couch in there) and has been refusing to even come close to their shared room.

Steve has made Clint talk to him, but Tony said he "didn't give a rats ass about Stevie's hurt lil feelings." Steve found it harsh, but fair considering.

The blonde soldier grabbed the pillow and two blankets shoved in the closet near the lab. He threw down the thicker blanket on the floor before setting his pillow down and curling up under the other blanket.

"Steve, please tell me you're not sleeping on the floor again," Natasha Romanoffva whispered from the stairs. Steve rolled over on his side. "C'mon, Steve. You're gonna mess up your back."

Steve sighed gently. "I wanna make sure Tony's okay."

"Steven Grant Rogers. Get your ass to your room."


Nat sighed, deciding to give up for the night. She scampered up the stairs as Steve fell asleep once more.

Tony couldn't sleep that night, though. He's been having trouble sleeping ever since Steve cheated on him. Tony shifted on the couch, pulling the blanket tighter over him. He rubbed his eyes roughly, pushing himself back up. He dragged the blanket behind him, keeping the sheet around his shoulders. He opened the glass door of his lab to see Steve curled up in two blankets. The man huffed.

"Steven Grant Rodgers..." he whispered, squatting down to see his boyfriend closer. His hair was longer and his beard was getting scruffy. Tony sat near his head. He ran his fingers gently through Steve's hair and sighed. "How can you be both a complete and utter asshole but such a damn sweetheart?"

When he saw Steve with that goddamned red head, at first he felt boiling, burning, bubbling rage. He couldn't believe Steve, out of all people, would cheat on him. Then, he was just... sad. If he even made Steve, good guy goody two shoes Steve, turn to cheating, how pathetic was he? He stormed out, trying his damn best to hide the fat, ugly tears pouring down his face.

Then when Steve came home, either from his drunkness or pent up emotions, he screamed at Steve. He didn't even know what he said, just a lot of 'fuck you's and 'I can't believe I ever loved you's. Then, he just went to the lab and cried his eyes out. Until he fell asleep with his head on his desk.

Then the next morning Steve tried to give him some bullshit story that made Tony even angrier.

Tony squeezed his eyes shut. "I can't believe I still love you so much."

He stood back up, climbing the stairs to go to the living room. Maybe he'll do better sleeping on that couch.


That morning, Steve was freaking out. Tony wasn't in his lab, so Steve had no clue where he could be. Nat had to literally grab him by the shoulders and explain that Tony had went to sleep in the living room couch, which let Steve take a deep breath.

He took glance at his sleeping boyfriend, blanket curled around his shoulders. The blonde kissed his forehead gently before retreating to go train. He didn't want his beautiful Tony to be angrier than he already was. As he walked towards the kitchen, there was a quiet knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Steve said, rushing to the door and swinging it open. On the other side of the door stood a short boy, no older than fourteen.

His high voice shook as he quietly asked, "Uh- is Tony Stark here?"

Word count: 870

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