the crush

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Cooper shuffled out of his sweatshirt, now trying on a tee shirt

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Cooper shuffled out of his sweatshirt, now trying on a tee shirt.

"Oooh, who you getting all pretty for, Coop?"

Cooper huffed. "Go away, Lila."

"You getting dressed up for a pretty girl."

Boy. "No, I'm just going to a friends house for the night."

"A girlfriend?"

Cooper huffed, zipping up his bag. "Go away, Lila."

"Don't get anyone pregnant."

"If you'll please move, I'll be going to meet my friend Peter."

"Whatever, Coop! Be safe! Wrap it before you tap it!"

Cooper rolled his eyes, shoving her away. "Bye, Liles."

"Bye, Coop."

Cooper kissed his mom goodbye, ruffling his little brother Nate's hair, before trotting down the stairs of his apartment building where MJ was honking the horn. He slipped into the back seat, despite he was the tallest.

"'Sup, Michelle and Nedward?"

"Nothin' much, Coopston," MJ grinned, pulling out of the parking lot. "You ready to see your love, Peter Parker?"

Cooper kicked the back of MJ's seat. "Fuck off, Michelle."

"C'mon, Cooper, when you gonna ask him out?"

"When he likes me back?"

MJ let out a long sigh and Ned just started laughing.

"What? What?" Cooper also started laughing now.

"He's so head over heels for you! If you don't ask him out tonight, I'm gonna lock you two losers in a closet," MJ said.

"Jokes on you! I'm ALREADY in the closet!"

"Oh, shit, really?"

"Yeah, my family has no clue."

MJ pulled into the parking garage with the special pass Peter gave her. "Don't worry, Cooper. Peter's family is really accepting."

"Ooh!" Ned grinned. "Especially Clint!"

Cooper shifted awkwardly. If there's anything looking out for him, he will not run into Clint.

MJ parked and stepped out, Ned quickly following, then Cooper stepping out too. Peter was at the door waving at them. MJ shoved his shoulder.

"'Sup, loser?"

"Not much, geek."

Him and Ned exchanged an overly dramatic handshake. Cooper went in for a hug, picking him up slightly. "Petercus!"

"Coopston! Put me down!"

"Never!" Cooper threw him over his shoulder. "Let's go play video games!"

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