the promise

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Tony always has trouble working when he knows he's a complete douchebag

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Tony always has trouble working when he knows he's a complete douchebag. He was struggling to not show feelings, but he had to apologize to Peter. He wasn't his dad, it wasn't his place to force himself into Peter's life. He needed to let Peter know he did want him in his life at the very least. So after Bruce and him had finished some experiments and Bruce was going to get them both entire kettles of coffee, Clint style, he asked Bruce to send Peter down.

Those two minutes he spent waiting for him were the longest minutes of his life. Eventually, finally, Peter shuffled into the lab. "Dad?"

"Hey, Pete, come sit."

Tony watched the teen sit across from him, the boy slightly curling in on himself, making Tony wince. Before Tony could even open his mouth again, Peter rushed out. "I'm sorry about snapping at you last night, it was wrong, and if you want me to leave and never come back, I understand."

"What? Why would I want you to leave? You're family, Peter."

Peter was staring at the floor.

"Peter, even if you punched me in the face and called me a selfish bastard, I'd still want you in my life. You're my son and I'm so incredibly proud of that fact."

"Really? Then why did you need to talk to me?"

Tony sighed. "To apologize for being a shitty dad. I understand what it's like to grow up without that father figure, actual father figure in your life, and that's what I did to you. Once I came into your life, I forced myself into that role not even considering if you'd want me to be there. And then I yelled at you when I didn't even set an actual curfew! I was just-" Tony forced himself to take a breath, trying to keep his emotions down. "I was just really worried, okay, Peter?"

"I know, and I know I should have called you, but I got distracted and I didn't want to wake you up and bother you-"

"You could never bother me, kid. I promise. If you need anything, call me and at the drop of the hat I'll be there." Tony smiled. "Plus your no longer grounded."

"Does that mean I can have friends over this weekend?"

"Sure. Just look out for the birdbrain. He likes pranks."

"Thank you for bringing me into your family, Dad." Peter walked around the desk and hugged Tony. Tony placed his head on his son's.

"I know this family is kinda messed up and broken, Pete," Tony sighed. "But I'll fix this family somehow. Even if I have to do it on my own."


Tony was leaning against his car across the street from Midtown School of Science and Technology, looking for the short brunette boy. Suddenly, three teens popped out of the crowd, a mixed girl smirking at the two boys, a short Filipino boy, and the exact small brunette he was looking for.

"Peter!" Tony waved at the young boy, noticing his eyes lighting up, even from across the street. He ran across the street, making Tony have a mini heart attack since he didn't even look both ways, but he was bumped out of that headspace when his kid headbutted him in the chest as he hugged him. Tony smiled and hugged him back. "Hey, kiddo."

"Hey, Dad! I didn't know you were picking me up!"

"That's the point, it was a surprise." Tony smiled and ruffled his hair. "Get in the car and introduce me to your friends, alright?"

The boy crawled into his car, waving over his friends who thankfully looked both ways before they crossed the road, both extremely shocked at the sight of Tony Stark in sunglasses and a cap. Tony just smirked and climbed into the car.

"So you didn't tell your pals I'm your dad, Pete?"

Peter grinned. "I didn't think they'd believe me."

The other two kids sat in the backseat, the boy saying in total shock, "You're Tony Stark."

"The one and only. Pete, can you introduce me to your friends?"

"That's Ned and that's Michelle, but call her MJ."

"Well, then, hey, Ned and MJ."

"Y-You're Tony Stark."

Tony chuckled as he drove home, sometime peeking back at the three teens in the back, Peter wildly chatting and the other two just listening. Tony quickly pulled into the tower's parking garage and parked. 

"Hey, kid, I'm gonna be in my lab, you have free range of the tower other than Nat's room!"

"Okay, Dad! Thank you!" Peter turned to his friends, giant grin on his face.

MJ was basically fuming. "Your dad is Tony fucking Stark?"

"Y-Yeah. i know you don't like him, but please try to be nice? Let's just go upstairs and hang out, alright?" Peter begged.

MJ huffed, "Fine."

Ned finally spoke up. "Peter, you live with the Avengers?!"

"Yeah! They're really nice. Come on, I wanna watch Buzzfeed Unsolved. The TV in the living room is huge!" 

Peter basically pulled his friends up the stairs, and flopped onto the giant couch, turning on the TV. MJ basically fell onto the couch next to him, but Ned just sat casually. 

"Ned, relax. It's fine, dude."

After a few minutes, Ned finally relaxed. Eventually, Clint ended up joining them for a few episodes of Buzzfeed Unsolved, a full pot of coffee in his hands. 

"Mr. Hawkeye, Nat said if you drank straight from the coffee pot again she'd kick your ass," Peter mentioned, smirking at the older man.

Clint smirked. "Nat can kiss my ass."

"I'm gonna tell her you said that."

"Oh, god, please don't."

Word count: 969

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