6 1 Stanley Uris ( just imagine if- )

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I get random thoughts about such so .... heres a one shot but ... i might start a small series on this

Imagine you had a nightmare and woke up so terrified that you decided if you should call up your best friend stanley but at the same time you dont since its so late and you dont want to disturb his sleep. You have been arguing with yourself back and fourth until you decided to actually call him. The line starts ringing and you hear him pick up with his welcoming voice " hello ? Are you ok? What happened ?" " yeah im fine i jus-" he cuts you off " did you have another nightmare again ? Ill be over in 5 ok ?" You hear with his sleepy and then he ends the call. A few thoughts pass by and your gaze gets cut off by a knock on the window so naturally you let him in.He flops in with his oversized sweater and his pyjamas and gives you ben and jerrys with some other snacks and lies down on the bed beside you. He gives you a spoon and keeps another for his own and you both start eating the ice cream " so what was this nightmare about " he asks wuth his mouth full of ice cream. You laugh and then you start recalling your nightmare and you suddenly remember why it was scary. It was the thought of losing stan for his on benefit " uhm ... id rather not say " you say trying not to make him worry even though he was already worried " well it sure looks like you remember so its better for you to tell me now " he said. He was right. Everything always felt better if you told him anything but this was the type of subject that if he found out, your friendship could possibly end " it was about losing someone ... precious " you say " that must be hard " he answers back. His eyes slowly starts closing and soon he is already asleep. You take his spoon and the ice cream to clean up a bit and you go back to the bed to lie down and not even a second pass and his arms are already hugging you and your face was burried in his sweater that was scented in cologne. Since you thought he was already asleep you start talking about your nightmare and why it was so scary " i just care about you alot ... maybe i like you ? I dont really tell you because I get scared that maybe our friendship could end ... and i know you probably dont like me back and that you see me as just your friend and thats cool its just id like for you to know ... that ... that i love you alot " you say as you finish feeling a bit better and relieved " i love you too but please get some sleep " he says with his sleepy, worried but content voice and he kisses you on the forehead . You sleep peacefully in his arms and somehow you felt better and safer in his arms.

Deadass imagine that beauty :)

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