My Cupid

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Chapter 7

Selena's POV

"That little lover boy thinks he can out smart me. I am the most powerful witch there has ever been!!" All the dark cupids looked like they were going to piss theirselves from fear. "I like how you all fear me because if you don't," I set one random minion on fire," that will happen to you!" Now I go to my quarters, well they are now my quarters, and pull out my magic mirror. "The little hero, I let flee. So show me now what I want to see." I recited the spell flawlessly. The mirror showed me images of Angel and Carmen. I watched in aww and I felt bad that I have to kill her. But I have to control the internal heart in order to rule the world. Both worlds dead and living. " I know just what to do!" I say aloud to myself. "How about a little.......

Sorry for not updating!!!!! I've been doing shows and rehearsallssssa!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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