17) Just memories

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My sight is slowly returning. I can't see in total darkness, but some light is fine. It's a little blur, but I can manage. 

''So Roy is going crazy. I feel him. I hated it too, being stuck inside a crystal and wake up in some random place.'' I say to Dick. We are at the manor and taking the day off. Of course if there is trouble, then we go safe the day. 

''I have always wondered, what was it like when you first woke up here on Earth?'' Ask Dick and place the tray of nacho on the table. We are in the living-room. Me, Dick and Tim. 

''One word as a starter, scared. I mean, I woke up and I do remember coming from somewhere other, but I couldn't remember witch also scared me.''


''I could see trough the crystal. And of course is the first thing I see, is the Justice League who found me. They have just took me to the watch tower, for the Green Lantern to try and open it. I could also hear them talk.''

''Nothing new about the crystal?'' Ask Batman as he walk past the crystal. Wonder Woman shake her head in disappointment.

''The crystal seems to have it's own life. It deflect Green Lanterns attacks. Poor girl stuck inside.'' Says Wonder Woman. Superman walk up to the two.

''It looks like she is falling or maybe has been shoot at.'' Commend Superman. 

''Whatever happen to her, do we need to get her out.'' Command Batman.

''I try to get contact to the girl inside.'' Says Martian Manhunter and start linking his mind and the others to mine. My mind is blank, but it still said something or more like the crystal said something.

''Unik, in danger. Keep her safe at all cost.'' I have never heard a crystal talk, but maybe it was my inner self who talked. The crystal start cracking and turn into dust, leaving me fall to the ground, hard. Black Canery was the first to come to my side and lift me up. My eyes are half open and my mind was fussy. 

''Do you hear me, who are you, where do you come from?'' Her voice move back and forward. My voice wasn't loud and clear, but cracky and low. 

''I don't remember... I think my name is... (Y/N).'' You could almost hear it, that's how low my voice was. The first par days before meeting the young team, was I in a room at the watchtower. They keep a close eyes to me, and try to find more about me. I fell lonely for some time, but some of the league would spend some time with me so I didn't feel so lonely, but I did feel out of place. One day Superman and Batman walk into my room.

''We are going to let our protege keep an eye on you.'' Says Batman. I take Superman's hand as he and Batman walk towards the zeta-tubes with some of the others league member. 

''Are they going to let me stay in a room?'' At that time was I afraid to be look inside a room for too long. 

''No. You can move around, but under their protection.'' Says Wonder Woman. I nodded and walk through the zeta-beam.


''I didn't know. Why haven't you said it before?'' Ask Tim. I just shrugged.

''You didn't ask.'' I politely said and drink my soda. Dick chuckle and take some medicin out.

''Okay, let's clean those eyes.'' I don't remember the name of it, but it's liquid to clean the eyes, and Dick always have to help me do it. It feel so weird. Cold liquid running down your eye, send shiver down my spine. ''All done.'' Thank god. I totally hate it, but it does help me see better than just some blur figure moving around.

''Can we maybe play a game or something?'' I am so bored, and don't judge me because I am a child at my home planet.

''We could play hide and seek. I count.'' Says Dick and close his eyes and start counting. Me and Tim run upstairs. Tim go the right hallway and I take the left hallway. Most of the rooms am I not permitted to go into or there isn't any hiding place. The last door and this hallway, is an empty room. My heart start to beat and memories flow into my mind. My body walk on it's own and step inside the room, that belong to Jay the second Robin. I sit on the bed and try to shake the memory of that night away, but it keeps bugging me. ''(Y/N), I am going to find you.'' Dick's voice isn't enough to shake me of my memories. ''Found you... Hey, what's wrong?'' Tim was already founded, and they both sit on the bed with me. I haven't notice tears was falling, before Tim dry some off.

''It still bothered me. I was there that night and only I survived that explosion. I feel like Jason won't forgive me.'' Dick and Tim hug me tight. That night, did I watch the Joker kick and beat Jason to dead. Joker wanted to take me to the light, but his time was short so he took the permanent way. A bomb. The last thing I saw before the explosion, was Jason that look at me with sorrow eyes and a kind smile. ''If I wasn't cuffed, then I could make a shield around both of us. I could have saved him.''

''Stop. Jason won't blame you. We know him, we know he would be a totally murder if you didn't make it.'' Says Tim.

''Jason has forgiving you, and right now is he by your side, watching over you. You need to stop feeling bad about the memories. It is just memories. Nothing can change it. Live now, not then.'' Says Dick. Nice word, and they are right. Out of the three brothers I have, was Jason the one who always took me to some dangerous thing, but it was always fun. He could make me be more braver to do somethings without being injured. Tim would always show me how to build or program things. As for Dick, would he always be the loving brother he always was, but he also took time to help me train combat moves.

''Hey, let's go out on a patrol. That always make you feel better.'' Says Tim and walk over to the door. I lighted up and run past him and down the hallway to the batcave. It's right, I love going on patrols, gives me changes to improve my none magical skills.

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