4) Meditation

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3rd POV

The Terror twins are making a mess again, so Justice team are on the case, with the Young Justice team. Superboy are going to by Tommy while Miss Martian is going to be Tuppence.

''Remember to stay low and get as many information as you can.'' Ordered Batman. The two 'Terror twins' nodded and kneel down, like they were captured. ''Jewel. Trap the original.'' Yes, (Y/N) was allowed on the mission, as long she do as said and stay away from danger. (Y/N) bend down, hands down on the ground and move fast up, like she lifting a rock. Crystals surround the twins and move around until it is a wheeling platform with a crystal pyramide on it. Martian Manhunter pat (Y/N) head as a 'good job' complement.

''I bring these to... Ugh... Watch Tower. And keep the crystal up, like you told me to.'' Says (Y/N) and make the platform and guid it outside as Batman take Superboy and Miss Martian to Belle Reve. The rest of the league is following (Y/N). She must not be alone. ''I am happy that I am allowed to enter the Watch Tower, before the others.'' 

''That is because the team can't always look after you, and you get more special training there.'' Says Superman and walk at the left side of the platform. Manhunter is on the right side. Aqualad and Red Tornado are going to Belle Rev and stay camouflaged.

''Let us out of here.'' Scream Tuppence and try to break the crystal with her bare hands.

''The crystal is soundproof. They can't hear us, but we can hear them.'' Informed (Y/N). Sometime she can be really smart at her age.

''And they won't be able to break it.'' Says Superman. (Y/N) frowned and stop at her track.

''I don't now for sure. Maybe they can break it because I am to weak to make unbreakable crystals.'' Tears are slowly falling from (Y/N) eyes. She feel like a failure.

''Don't cry. I put them to sleep long enough to get them in the prison, when everything is over.'' Ensure Manhunter and did it right away. (Y/N) stop her tears and nodded.

''Can you maybe fly while keeping the crystal on? I shall carry the platform okay?'' (Y/N) nodded and spread her blue wings. Superman lift the platform and fly up. This make everything more faster and better.

*Time skip*


Some hours have gone, and I still have that pyramide on. This is the longest time I have let a crystal stayed. J'ohn wanna teach me to keep my mind clean and fokus, so I can let the crystal stay without thinking about it. Awesome.

''Right now are all the crystal in your vision, your reach. Try so make then smaller, away from your reach.'' Manhunter speak calmly. I still have my uniform on, and I don't use my wings to float in the air. Okay, maybe I do, but still. Meditation should help heroes with telepathik power to haver better control. This may help me too. ''Don't be afraid that the crystal can break. It won't as long as you stay calm.'' 

''There has come some news about the mission.'' Superman walk in the training room, with a smile. I open my eyes and look at him for the answer. ''Superboy and Miss Martian have stopped the criminal before they got out of Belle Reve. Everything is under control, so time to returned these to their real prison.'' Says Superman and stand next to the wheeling platform. I land on my feet and make walk over to him. We walk towards the zeta-tubes.

''J'ohn. How do I make my crystal stronger so they won't break?'' Walking in a zeta-teleporter tickle, but way to much light. If they wanna lose attention, then make the light lower so it won't blink like a flash light.

''Keep you mind on the crystals form. Let them be in your reach and hold a strong body form. If you are unbreakable, then the crystals are unbreakable.'' Says J'ohn wise. Superman and Manhunter make me stay near the zeta and let them return the Terror Twins. I break the crystal so they can carried them the rest of the way. The scene seem familiar to me. I wanna ignore it, but a headache got me.

''The criminal is captured and the ___ is safe. Let's return him to prison. Stay here ___. I come back fast.'' I can't see the face, but he have silver white hair and some kind of a armor/Greek cloths.

''Okay, Jade. But please hurry back. My dad will kill you if you don't stay by my side as a bodyguard. And then I would miss my best friend.'' My voice is the same as now, and I sound like I am crying.

''Watch out.'' Someone screamed, and a weird arrow coming my way.

''___.'' Jade try to safe me, but then blank. A memory. What did Jade try to say. What did he called me. Not my name, but something else.

''Jewel, are you alright?'' Superman and Manhunter returned, without my notice.

''I think I got a memory back, I don't know.'' I yawned. It is almost my bed time, so I need to return back to batcave and to my good brother figur, Dick.

''Let's get you back and tommorow can you tell Bruce what happen in your memory.'' I nodded and take Superman's hand. I know Batman's name, he told me and so did Dick. They are warming up to me, and I am great full for that. At what I now call home, sits Dick and eat dinner. I quickly undo my uniform back to my white dress and sit next to him.

''I heard you could keep a crystal out longer. You are getting better.'' Says Robin and pat my head. 

''I also got a new memory. I used to have a bodyguard, but the scene showed a criminal that have done something to me, and got captured, and before it stopped shouts Jade and a weird shape arrow was going towards me.'' I try to explain the memory to my 'brother', but it sounds like a child explaining her invisible friend to her parents.

''I will guess your bodyguard was Jade, right?'' I nodded and take a sip of the soup. ''Just a guess, but if you got a bodyguard, then that probably mean you are maybe a princess or something similar.'' The word princess ring in my head. And before continue the conversation, do I get another memory. I look at myself, wearing a snow blue dress and a cape.

 I look at myself, wearing a snow blue dress and a cape

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(You are much higher than normal child. Imagine this girl a little smaller and don't have the sword)

''You look lovely, Princess.'' Behind me stands Jade and hold a crown. ''Ready for the winter festival?'' I nodded and still looking at the mirror. Jade place the small crown on my head. His face is still blurred, but I think he is the same age as Dick. Same body and all, it is just the hair that is different. Jade's hair is longer and sat into a side ponytail. Then scream of horror and fear cam from not only from many people, but mostly from me. Jade scream for me and guards are shouting.

''(Y/N) come back to this world.'' I blink my eyes and look right at Dick's blue ones. We are on the floor and Bruce are standing by the other side. ''Take it easy.'' I nodded and rub my eyes.

''What did you see?'' Ask Bruce.

''More to the last one. I am a princess. There was a winter festival and... and I hear me screaming help and guards shouting... And... And...'' Bruce stop med before I could continue. I couldn't continue, that's all to it. What happen that day, is it the reason why I am here. I am going crazy by not knowing the answer, but also the headache.

''Let's eat the rest and head to bed, okay.'' Cheered Dick and help me sit on the chair and put me in bed after giving me pain killers. I know there is more to my past, it just need to come out.

Young Justice x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now