21) Betrayed

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3rd POV

Many days have passed, and it's finally time. The Justice League that when to Rimbor is now in the judge.

''Now does the witness understand?'' Ask the judge after he hit the translator to work.

''Yes, Tribune. But I can only repeat again what we have said all along. The Justice League, that is my fellow defendants and myself never meant to attack Rimbor or it's inhabitants. We are not conquerors, not criminals. Our only interest is in peace.'' Says Superman in defends.

''Forgive us, Superman. If we who represent the Polygloture of Rimbor find that difficult to swallow.'' Says an alien that is a layer for Rimbor's civilians.

''Nevertheless, it is the truth. We had no control over our actions.'' Try Superman, but got the cold look.

''Stop that noncen.'' Called Jade out and stand up from his seat.

''Boy, you are not allowed to speak.'' Says the Tribune. Jade jump down to the floor beside Superman. Jade pull out his member shield.

''I am Jade Harness. I am the bodyguard for princess (Y/N) of Galexmentia, and I have been in the same situation as them. I nearly killed my charge.'' Jade look at the layer. ''You are right about we were not in control. In fact, as stated previously we were under the complete mental domination of an Earth villain named Vandal Savage. It's still unclear why he did it, but they have helped protecting your future queen.'' Finish Jade with a firm look. The public in the hall get's news about the Reach being on Earth. While the people whisper among them, get Jade a message.

''Jade, is Nightwing. I now you may hear this right away, but the Reach is the criminal from Galexmentia's partner. (Y/N) is alright now, but we need your help, we need the Justice League.'' The message end and Jade is a little angry. The tribune got silents again, and one of the people in the hall walks outside. Jade sigh and hope that he can get the Justice League out in time.


The news last night, is still roaming in my head. I haven't told Dick or Tim about it yet. They where so broken when he died and they just continue on living. Saying this now will only break them. But let's put that aside and focus what is happening now. A big moving planet is one it's way to Earth.

''Attenten Warworld. This is Captain Atom of the Justice League representing the planet Earth. We wish to open negotiations.'' Says Captain Atom.

''but I am uninterested in negotiation. The Earth under the Reach's thumb is too dangerous for my long term plans. It must be destroyed. And frankly, if you understood what you were in for with the Reach, you will thank me for putting you out of your collective misery, now.'' Says the Warworld's newest conquer, Mongul. The planet start moving around and show us a big canon.

''Mongul, stop. This is your future queen speaking. I demand you to stop this and leave Earth alone. The Justice League won't let the Reach stay here, we are already trying to stop them for good.'' I called out to him in hope to stop him. He doesn't listen and fire the canon, but luckily Dr. Fate came and mirror the attack and blow the canon.

''He won't listen to you.'' Says Aquaman. Captain Atom run over to the zeta tubes and get outside the watch tower.

''Then I make him.'' I mumble and run outside to. I don't need a suit to be outside the space, my power protects me.

''Jewel, get back inside. Your powers are still low.'' Called Nightwing inside. I ignore him and fly towards the Warworld, avoiding the laser. It's cold out here, but I can manage and I have trained more and my powers are back to normal.

''Let's see what these laser can take. Crystal bazooka.'' My bazooka push me a little back, but it destroyed some of the laser guns. ''Not much. I slowly getting why that idiot of a criminal want my power.'' I muttered to myself and dodge some laser. I continue shooting my bazooka while dodging at the same time. Good thing Dick taught me some PE tricks. The laser stop for some reason and then missile got sendet. 

''Stop those missile.'' Command Captain Atom. I fly right a head and my own missiles at them. 

''Halv of them neutralist, if that is what you call it.'' I say in the com link.

''More is coming.'' Pointed Captain Marvel.

''I gonna fly further down and make a shield around Earth.'' I just need to fokus, and that's all there is needed to do this. I get in position and take a deep breath. I feel my powers roar in my veins as I create the biggest shield ever. It feels like my hole body is glowing a purple aura.

''Jewel, you can't continue doing that.'' Warned Nightwing.

''Then hurry up and finish that thing. I am not moving unless Warworld is not a threat anymore.'' I try to say it like this isn't hard, but that is impossible. I held this shield for five full minutes, and stop when the Warworld close and when't silent.

''Warworld is neutralized.'' Says Batgirl.

''Good, come back home for now.'' I giggle a little and add something to the conversation.

''Is it posibble for any of you to come and get me. I am out of juice as Kid Flash would have said.'' I joked. Captain Marvel came to me and help me back inside the watch tower. ''Where are the others?''

''I don't know, they should be here right now.'' Says Aquaman. Then the com open and Robin answered.

''Blue Beetle turn his back to us. We got betrayed.'' My eyes widen as I hear the news. This is the same feeling yesterday. Something that I never aspektet to come.

''Jaime won't betray us. Something may have happen to him and maybe controlling him.'' I try to cover for my best friend.

''We will get some answer, but for now let's just take it easy.'' Says Nightwing and pull me to his side. ''I know that you have a strong friendly bond to Blue Beetle, we will get him back and no 'don't make promise you can't keep' okay.'' I laughed at the last part. He is right about that. We will get answer to why Jaime would do this or what happen to him. I just hope it's right away we get the answers. 

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