Novemeber 16, 1995

14 3 1

Dear You,

Everything is so bright it hurts to open my eyes. I have a horrible migraine and everyone is talking so loud. On purpose I swear. I've thrown up twice and my entire body just hurts.

I don't even like the taste of whiskey. It burns. But the emptiness and fuzziness. It's worth the burn and horrid hangover. It's all worth it.

Because for those couple of hours I was empty and fuzzy. And free. I didn't have to think about why you left. I didn't have to deal with all this pain and sadness.

I got to forget, even though it was for a couple hours.

Even though i still have to go through the pain and ache once those couple of hours are over.

But it's all worth it. And I never want to feel again. I want to forget, every single night. Till the day I die, or the day you come back.

I'm done with feeling like this.

I'll swig it all away and drown myself is alcohol if I have to.

As long as this pain goes away.

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