Live stream

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Authors note: guys I am so sorry I haven't updated it's just I didn't think anyone was reading so I stopped writing for a while but now I'm back!!!
Addies POV:
By the time we made it back home it was pretty late and everyone was pretty tired, Stampy almost fell asleep in the car! We walked inside and were greeted by Jemma and the pugs who were happy to see us. "Um Dan?" Stampy said, Dan replied "Yeah wassup Stamps?" "Where will I be sleeping? I'm tired" Stampy said. "We have a spare mattress you could sleep on that in my room if you wanted cause then we could livestream without bothering anyone else in the house." I suggested, Dan and Stampy both seemed to agree with my idea so I showed stampy up to my room "I'll get your bed ready just go get changed in the bathroom while I do it" I said while smiling at Stampy "Thanks heaps Addie!" Stampy said while opening is suitcase and getting his stampy cat Pj's out. Once Stampy was out of the bathroom I went to get changed as well but when I returned he was already asleep which caused me to quietly laugh to myself. I scrolled through my phone for a bit before going to sleep.

I woke up in the morning to stampy jumping on my bed screaming "LIVE STREAM LIVE STREAM LETS DO A LIVE STREAMMM!" I laughed at him and then kicked his legs out from underneath him causing him to fall back onto his own bed which just made me laugh even harder. "Let's do this!" I shouted enthusiastically while jumping out of bed "Come on stamps lets get breakfast" I said while helping him off his floor bed .
We went down stairs and I made French toast because it was Saturday and Dan and Jemma were sleeping in "Mmm this is delicious!" Stampy commented about the food I was making, I giggled "should we do our live stream in our Pj's?" I suggested while munching on my toast. "Yeahhhh that sounds like a great idea!" Stampy said happily. Once we finished breakfast me and Stampy took a selfie for instagram with the caption "come join our Pj livestream in 10 minutes!"
Ten minutes later
"Hellooooooo" me and stampy said and the same time as we started streaming which cause us to laugh "What's up you guys today I  joined by my good friend Stampy cat and today we are live streaming minecraft on Hypixel server!" I said "in our Pj's!" Stampy added showing off his stampy cat Pj's
This will be a good live stream!

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