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Bella pov

When you got back from collage you ran to your bedroom while your mom was still out drinking (as usual) packing your bags with all you could need and your £1000 savings. The day before you booked a flight so you knew that youd have time to get ready. At around 5 you hear the door unlock and you knew there was no way of leaving through the door ; you opened the window carefully and chuked the luggage out the window onto the bush and jumped out after.

When you goto the airport fourchanately you had time to eat scince you hadent all day but after you got a few things it was time to board your flight to korea . you had planned this trip for a while so you had been learning to fluently speaking korean and write it too. A few hours later you woke up and looked out of the window , it was beautiful and there was lots of noise.

You got off the plane and got a taxi to the apartment you bought a few weeks previous. Despite the fact your family treated you like trash they were very rich and you took enough to have a normally life in korea." So this is where you will be staying , it is close to the bighit building so expect a lot of noise " the lady left without saying much else and i was left in a decorated , fully furnashed room ." home sweet home " i said exitedly throughing myself on the bed.

About and hour later you finished putting all of your stuff away and it didn't fill much of the house but you were happy with it . It was around midnight so it was to late for food but you thought back to what the lady said . " OMG BIGHIT I START WORK THERE TOMORROW !!! " the butterflies flew around your stomach , somehow you were still exited .

You woke up to the alarm and het lag really really got to you . you had around an hour and a half to get ready so you slumped to the kitchen and got a glass of water;  non of the couboards were stocked properly so you couldn't make anything exept toast and some fruit for work . when you finished you rumaged through your wardrobe and picked out

 when you finished you rumaged through your wardrobe and picked out

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You felt proud of this and comfortable

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You felt proud of this and comfortable. you through your hair up in a ponytail with as many bobbles you could, your hair was very long and heavy so needed tons of support. You out on some makeup and left the house feeling accomolashed. Imagine this but with more subtle makeup.

 Imagine this but with more subtle makeup

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