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Mid way through the stepped on my foot  aulthough i didnt hurt it made me punch him on the shoulder  as hard as i could .
"Owww , how are you so strong !!" Jh
" because " i replied smirking
He stared at me like this

He took a step toweards me and placed his hand on the side of my face so i decided to grab it and held it tight. Why cant the girl be the dominant one ?? i thought .
I grabbed the other hand that he had positoned in his pocket and looked forward into his eyes and took a step toward him . he was  tacken back ,i guess he isnt use to being the one out of controll. I placed my lips on his hand slowly closed my eyes . we passionately kissed and intertwined toungs groand "hmmmm" i moved my head to the side and gently bit his bottom lip : i then moved away and looked at him to see if he was ok with it . he nodded and i started to unbutton his top while kissing him still he carriedon groaning and i felt a small bump on my leg . he was ready . i finished unbuttoning his shirt and i stopped and walked over to the costume couboard i got the handcuffs from jungkooks police costume and cuffed him to the wall i  dominated him and gave him a blow job i think he came at least 4 times  before i stopped . i uncuffed him. andhe flopped ontop of me before he finished the after effects of his final orgasm . he could just about mumble " m..my turn n..next time"
" if you can .. We should finish the choreographey" i winked at him and went back to the main bit of studio

 We should finish the choreographey" i winked at him and went back to the main bit of studio

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we finished the dance about an hour later and the guys came back to see it

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we finished the dance about an hour later and the guys came back to see it .

At the end it was about 12 and we all went out for dinner , i guess it was jhopes turn because we went to get hamburgers and sprite but there was a problem " oh ur guys " they all turned to me " im vegetarian.... "
" how??!!"suga seemed offended but in a jocking kind of way.
" its not i dont LIKE meat i just love animalls too much " i said proudly.
" what are you gonna have then ?? " jin and jimin asked.
" Urmm that " i pointed to the vegetarian menu and they nodded we ordered and we had tons of fun.

We get back to the studio and started on a group dance for blood sweat and tears they were all really good especially jimin and jhope

We get back to the studio and started on a group dance for blood sweat and tears they were all really good especially jimin and jhope

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Personally this was the best song they have produced and i can't believe i helped produce it.
Soon they didn't need my help and they knew all of the dance so i went to go home . Before i did i told the guys to go to the bar down the road i wanted to show them what else i could do besides dance

Note : what is bellas hidden talent and what is going to happen with jhope and bella, find out in the next chapter

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