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You left the  apartment complex and   walked next door to where the company building was set up you walked into the lobby and went to the reception . " h hello " you said
"Morning miss, what would you like ?"
You explained to her the situation but she carried an typeing on the computer without looking up.
When you finished a boy tapped you on the shoulder and said " follow me ..... What's your name ?"
" bella , im here for the job to be the choreographer for bts."  The boy turned and faced me...
" im min yoongi and welcome to the building" he gave me a gummy smile

note : when there's a conversation i will put who evers talking first letter of the name at the end

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note : when there's a conversation i will put who evers talking first letter of the name at the end.

I smiled back but looked forward when the elevator door opened and we stepped in. " what do you work as ? " i asked
" im a member of bts "  s
" oh so like your my boss ?" B
" well , sorta you will work with me and the other 6 " s
I nodded at him and a while later the elevator doors opened revealing a large corridor with studios and recording rooms.
" you will work in this room " s
he took my hand suddenly and dragged me to into the last room

" its massive ! "B" the boys will be up here in a minute so just get ready "she looked at me with meaningfull eyes and he suddenly shook his head out of a trance and let go of my hand

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" its massive ! "B
" the boys will be up here in a minute so just get ready "s
he looked at me with meaningfull eyes and he suddenly shook his head out of a trance and let go of my hand . it was so walm and soft , why did he have to let go 😣

A few minets of awkwardly standing there the door flew open making me and min yoongi jump . " HEY YOONGI WHOOSE THIS PRETTY GIRL ???!! " jhope shouted while wriggling his eyebrows at both of us .
"This is b .."s
"Bella , im the choreographer " b
I interuped yoongi
"Your not from around here are you?" Namjoon asked in english
" no , im from england"b
"Lets see how good you are at dancing"jhope
"ok " i walked over to the laptop and put on some music.the guys stepped back in shock but i was unsure if it was a good or bad thing. At the end i was out of breath and was panting . i looked up at them seeing a massive smile on their faces "whooooo" they cheered and i felt really proud they liked it . a couple of minets later we just started talking before j hope said " you need to help me make a dance for the comback boy meets evil "
"Id be happy to"i smiled at him and our eyes interlocked suddenly a bit of drool dripoed out his mouth making him embarrassed but me laugh the loudest i ever have.

I callmed myself down but only just managed a " when do you wanna start ? " out
He made a thoughtfull pose then said " now! "
"This is the music bella..." taehyung said .
He put it on then left with the others
"We will be in the recording studio " jimin said softly before leaving.

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