5 ( warning hard smut )

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It was coming up to 6 when i heard a loud knock in my dressing gown and sexy clothes underneath i answered the door and i let hoseok in we went to the bedroom and he shoved me on the bed and pinned my hands down on my sides he undone my dressing gown and gave me a smirk once he saw my clothes underneath . he gave me several hickies down my chest and neck making me moan . he walked over to my desk and blindfolded me as well as putting a gag in my mouth . he is pretty good at this i thought . he started to undo my lace straps and ringing his way to my underware . the reason i never wanted to be a submissive was because when i was young i ate a lot so i had strech marks , i was ugly . when your dominant you never have to undress your self . he rubbed his finger across the lines and stopped . i pushed my legs together to hide then . i was stoped by him saying " your beautiful bella" he kissed them and moved his fingers to my clit rubbing it quickly . i could feel his walm breath and his hands by my legs undoing his belt quickly. He put his dick near my enterance and pushed it in causing very little pain and a lot of pleasure he carried on thrusing into me making me cum several times and he did it inside me making me feel a lot of pleasure. He bit my nipple and whipped me with his gucci belt a few times . i knew that it would leave a mark but it was worth it by a long shot . he teased me for a good 5 more minutes before fucking me again and finally making me have an orgasam. We came around the same time . he undone my ties and blindfold lieing next to me on the bed , were were both out of breath so weslept there with his arm around me and my right leg staddsling him.

The next morning we woke up and headed out to work . the long fucking and bdsm lessons lasted for about a week untill we both realized we should just go out as we were also enjoying each others company outside from bed . a year later we got married and had 2 kids

Note : sorry about the SHIT ending but i anm just to lazy to make long detailed stories but on my Instagram i do less sexual ones like i had one about yoongi and jungkook fighting over you .

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