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a knock on the door made yesul stop from what she was doing. she opened it and came to face his father. he wasn't smiling at all. not like he always did, but it just felt way too different. he seemed - disappointed. and yesul already had a bad feeling for this.

"your mom wants to talk to you. she's in the room."


yesul's lips slightly parted when her mom's hand harshly landed on her cheek, instantly coloring it red. "is this true?" she asked. yesul only bit her bottom lip. she was left tongue-tied by the pain. and speaking might only result her into bursting tears.

"i said, is this picture of you smoking fucking true?!" her mom's voice raised, crumpling the photo paper that was firmly clutched in her hand. it was a photo of her smoking a couple of weeks ago and someone had captured it without her knowing.

it wasn't like it had already become an addiction to her. she had only tried it thrice; probably won't ever again. still, with all due reluctancy, yesul lightly nodded.

"bullshit yesul. bullshit." slap. mrs. lee's hand hit her on the same spot again, making her topple slightly by the strong impact. it stung. she held yesul's chin and forcely faced her to her own.

"remember yesul, you haven't done anything to please us yet. and you reward us with this?" she pushed her and pointed the door. "leave. i don't want to see your face."

yesul did as she commanded and returned to her room. the tears that she was preventing to spring started streaming down her face. she stood still, her lips starting to bleed for biting too much. her hands shivered but she never dared to sob loudly. she thought she never deserved to cry over the things she regretted doing so.

"yesul, you're such a shame." her own voice broke as she chuckled bitterly at herself.

yesul stayed inside her room and didn't bother to eat dinner with them. she had no more face to show up in front of them anyway. she only waited for the whole surroundings to silence before she decided to leave the house and get some evening air.

she quietly exit her room and put on her hoodie. it was quarter to ten in the evening and everyone in the house seemed to be asleep already. she ambled down the stairs and passed by the kitchen using her phone's flashlight since all lights were literally off. guess everyone was definitely sleeping.

"yesul is that you?"

or not.

yesul almost raced towards the front door upon hearing minho's voice from the kitchen. "damn it." she cussed. no one was supposed to know that she was gonna leave at this hour. if her parents find out, then all hell breaks loose.

"you don't have to run. i won't tell mom and dad." the light from the kitchen lit up and there stood minho, with a glass of water in his hands. now, yesul just stopped and turned to face him.

"where are you going?" he asked.

"why do you care?" she bluntly retorted which rendered him taken aback. yesul bit her lower lip, instantly regretting what she had said. she shouldn't have let her frustration take over her.

"i just- i just want to get some air, okay?" she stuttered, avoiding his gaze. minho only sighed in defeat.

"fine. but you should be back before twelve. it's dangerous." he said. yesul only nodded before leaving.

if things hadn't changed, minho wouldn't have let her slip. he would never dare leave her walking down a dark and empty street alone. but part of him knew, she already loathed him. so he didn't bother to make a hindrance.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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