The Day My Life Changed

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It started when I was 18, young, foolish and inexperienced in things like love. I was walking home like any other Monday, from the market. I lived in Florence, Italy, around the centre of the city, so it was not a long walk back. I prefered to walk the more crowded paths because it was safer, but that day I was running late. I went through the alleyways for they were quicker and I needed to home quickly for dinner. I turned down the alleyway which would lead me to my house, when someone grabbed my waist. I tried to scream for help but the person covered my mouth. "Do you want to die?" Whispers the man (which I realised from his voice, which also had an English accent but not too heavy).

Only then did I feel the metal blade pressed against my throat. I noticed another presence in the alleyway. "Let her go" A heavily accented voice said

"Why should I?" The man who holding me said, pressing the knife closer. Almost cutting my neck.

"If you don't I will kill you."

"Don't mess with this mission, Ezio. You know I have to kill her. For the brotherhood." He said

I could tell he was slightly mad from the way he spoke. "She is not your target, let her go. William, now is not the time for this. Let her go and go back."

"No! Why should I? When I am helping these people? Don't you see ,Ezio? I can help them, we can help them." He said getting far to excited. He pressed the knife farther into my neck. A bead of blood spilt down my neck. The man called Ezio walked closer, slowly as if not to frighten the man named William. He got even closer so I could to see his face. He had one scar on his lip. He was wearing a hood so I couldn't see his eyes but I could tell , feel, his eyes watching me. William pressed the knife farther into my neck, causing more blood to spill. At this Ezio leaped forward, breaking his grip on me. I moved out the way quickly (which is hard to do in a dress). They started fighting but it was a bit of the blur because they moved so quickly. William left quickly by scaling the wall, Ezio almost followed but turned round to look at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"I've been better" I replied

He laughed at this, I smiled too. You could probably tell that I'm quite a shy person, I don't normally talk to people. I lowered my head and my brown hair covered my face. Ezio walked forward and lifted my chin up. "You have such a beautiful smile." He walked closer to me, making me walk back a bit but I walked into the wall. He tilted my head up and was moving his head closer. I closed my eyes when his lips met mine. It started as a rough and demanding kiss but turned into a gentle kiss. After what felt like hours he pulled away. "You should go back to your family" He whispered

"What about my neck?" I whispered back

"I'll take you to a friend, come on" He stepped back but took my hand. We walked back the way I had come and walked through the twisting streets. We arrived at a house and Ezio knocked. He then removed his hood and walked in dragging me with him. "Leonardo, are you here?" Ezio called

"Yes, yes. I'm coming. How are- Ezio! How many times do I have to tell not to bring girls here?" The man (I'm guessing is Leonardo) scolded him

"My friend, it  is not what you think. She was attacked and is bleeding. We need your help." Ezio replied amused

"Oh right, why don't you sit here." Leonardo said, pointing to the chair next to what looked like a work desk but was covered with a bunch of paper.

I walked over and sat down. Leonardo went to go and get some supplies. "So you bring other women here?" I ask

"Yes, but none are as beautiful as you" he said

Leonardo then walked back in and cleared the table. He placed his supplies on the table and told me to look at the ceiling. I did as I was told and tilted my head back. He cleaned the wound, which he said wasn't too deep and would heal in a couple of days. He then wrapped it up and said I was good to go. I got up and thank him. Ezio and I then left. "I should walk you home, so you don't get hurt again." He said as he lift his hood up agian.

"If you must."

He walked me home, we didn't talk much on the way. We arrived outside my house and stood there for awhile before someone spoke. "Thank you for saving me." I whispered

"It was my pleasure." He whispered back. He then started walked closer, this time I didn't walk backwards but forwards. I tilted my head upwards and he snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him and kissed me gently. He pulled away too quickly, in my opinion. "I'll see you around." He whispered and walked away. Leaving me staring down the alley he walked down. I turned away after awhile and walked to my house. 

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