Chapter 1 - Wedding Day

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Note: The beginning takes place 4 years after the events of the movie. Poppy is 25, Branch is 29. Then another year passed where Poppy is 26 and Branch is 30.

Today was no ordinary day. It was a day for 2 extraordinary trolls. Queen Poppy and the soon to be King Branch. Today was a day that everyone was looking forward to. Today, was their wedding day. The 2 trolls woke up bright and early. Excited for what the day would bring. "Good Morning my king." Poppy said booping Branch's nose. "mmm.... I'm not king... yet." Branch replied sleepily, still covered by the bed sheets. "Your my king." Poppy said before she kissed him on the cheek. Branch blushed before closing his eyes again. "wake up champ. Today is a big day. Our day!" Poppy said with excitement trying to wake Branch up. Branch then slowly opened his eyes. "You're right. Let's get this party started." He said sitting up. "That's the spirit!" Poppy exclaimed. The 2 spent the day preparing for the wedding. Branch was with Guy Diamond, Cooper and Biggie, who helped him with his outfit. He was wearing a tuxedo with a Poppy flower in the shirt pocket. Very fitting. Poppy was getting ready with Suki, Smidge and the twins. The twins had prepared a beautiful wedding dress for her. "OH MY TROLL! YOU LOOK AMAZING!" The twins complemented. "Only because of your guys' work." Poppy complemented back. "Yeah but you're wearing it." The twins called out. "But you made it!" Poppy argued. "BUT YOU LOOK BETTER IN IT!" the twins shouted back. "GUYS!" Smige and Suki yelled out. Poppy and twins stopped arguing and looked at them. "This isn't the place to argue about a dress." Smidge said. "Yeah. Poppy you look good in it because the twins made it. Can we just leave it at that?" Suki called out. "Fine." Poppy and the twins agreed. "Good. Now come on. It's a wedding. Not a rap battle. Let finish getting ready." Suki explained. Suki was the flower girl. With Branch and the groomsmen, they all looked at Branch in awe with how amazing his tux was. The twins did a fantastic job. Guy Diamond was his best man. "Wow. No wonder Poppy fell for you. You look insane." Biggie complemented. "Huh thanks guys." Branch thanked. They finished getting dressed and the couple finally met. Poppy smirked at Branch. "How do I look?" She asked winking. "Hot Damn. You aren't a queen. You're a goddess." Branch complemented. The 2 parted ways for the ceremony to start. Branch was at the end of the church with Gristle who was the priest. Gristle and Bridget had been married a year earlier and Branch was the priest so he thought he'd return the favour. Poppy walked down the aisle with her elderly father holding her hand. The 2 finally met and held hands. Gristle knelt down in his tuxedo to get to the same level as the trolls. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, to watch 2 very special trolls embrace their love for each other. Do you, Branch, take Poppy as your loving wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part, and are you willing to take the responsibilities as the new King and leader of the trolls?" Gristle asked. Branch took a deep breath. "I do." He said confidently. "Do you, Poppy take Branch as your loving husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" Gristle asked Poppy. "I do." She replied with tears in her eyes. "I now pronounce you, not only Husband and Wife, But also, King and Queen. You may kiss the bride." Gristle said before the 2 trolls moved in for a kiss. The trolls and bergens cheered loudly as the couple kissed for what seemed like an hour. Eventually, they broke from the kiss and the ceremony went on. The couple were walking around in the garden. Holding hands, smiling at each other. Happy that they were going to spend the rest of their lives together. Poppy's father, Peppy, watched the 2 walk before Branch picked up Poppy bridal style and carried her to a hammock. "You're mother would be so proud. Branch will be the best king ever." Peppy said quietly as he watched the couple. The couple lay down on the hammock and gazed into the sky. Eventually, it was time for dinner. At the sweetheart Table, the couple sat and ate as they watched the guests enjoy themselves. The little kids were running around screaming and enjoying themselves. "Aw. I'd love to have a family of my own someday." Poppy said. Branch's face went blank. He'd never heard her say something so serious, so real. He didn't know how to respond to that.

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