Chapter 8 - Heading South

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Poppy and Branch ran back to Troll Village, Poppy and Branch ran as fast as they could to Branch's old bunker. Even though they lived together, he still kept it in case of emergencies. He had access to all the security cameras. They skimmed through a lot of footage until they saw the footage of Chef taking Jasper. But they didn't know it was chef because it was so dark. They saw her reach in and take Jasper. "There! That's my baby! That thing took it!" Poppy yelled out. "It sure looks like it." Branch replied before watching to see where she headed out from Troll Village. "Looks like it headed south. So we need to start heading south and look for him." Branch explained. "Great! I'll go Get Creek!" Poppy said. "Wait, why are you getting him involved?" Branch asked. "Well come on Branch, he helped us this morning, I'm sure he'd like to help us again. I mean it's not like he has anything better to do." Poppy replied. "(Inhale) fine. But he better not try anything fishy." Branch said back. "Branch I'm sure he won't." Poppy responded before she went off to find Creek. Branch sighed. "What have we gotten ourselves into?" He asked himself. Poppy arrived at Creek's pod a practically bashed down his door. He opened it. "So did you find him?" Creek asked. "No! But we have a rough idea of where he went and we-... I want you to come with us." Poppy explained. "Oh that's nice. Well I have nothing better to do so why not?" Creek replied before him and Poppy headed back to Branch's bunker. "Ok Branch, Creek, you 2 pack what we'll need since we don't know how long we'll be gone for. I'm going to announce to the village that we're going and my dad will take over while we're gone." Poppy explained. "Didn't Creek steal you last cowbell?" Branch asked. Creek frowned. "BRANCH! And also, I have like 6 of them so it doesn't really matter." Poppy replied before leaving the bunker to announce to the trolls that they were leaving. Branch and Creek looked at each other. "Pfft. I don't need you. I can pack by myself." Branch said walking off. Creek sighed. He just wanted Branch's forgiveness. That's all. Was that too much to ask for? Well for Branch, it was. Branch started packing and while packing his backpack, he thought it'd be smart to carry everything he'd need to the bag all in one trip. And in doing so, he lost grip and dropped everything. Creek chuckled slightly. "Still don't need me?" He asked. Branch looked up at him with an angry face. "OK OK Jeez. It was a joke. Do you want any hel-" Creek was cut off. "Shut up." Branch snapped before picking up what he'd dropped. Creek sighed. Back with Poppy, she had announced to the trolls that they were going to be gone for a few days and that her dad was going to take over till they get back and was now headed back to Branch's bunker and was shocked to see that there wasn't a war happening between Branch and Creek. "Ok guys. We head south from here. I really hope we find Jasper.... I mean- Uhh, I know we'll find him!" Poppy said. "That's my girl." Branch said back. Creek smiled and the 3 trolls started heading south. They had 1 objective in mind. To find Jasper. Poppy and Branch's pride and joy. 

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