Chapter One: Feeling Sic

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Harry Potter was awoken by the sound of banging on the ceiling above him as his cousin Dudley stomped and screamed at him. It was Dudley's birthday, and this made Harry dread the day even more. But, meek little slave that his aunt and uncle had made of him, he got up and went about the business of cooking breakfast for his relatives. At least it being Dudley's birthday, Harry would have one day away from them when Dudley got taken to the zoo.

True, it meant he would have to put up with Mrs. Figg's many cats and her obsession over them, but that would be a welcome respite from cleaning and gardening. His life was such that he felt like he could cry all the time, but he'd stopped being able to do so years back. So anything that made him feel a little less miserable was good to him.

Actually portraying Harry's traumatic childhood as traumatic. Yes! *!gniᗡ*

Which makes this the first book I've ever sinned that starts the process with negative sins. Rowlings in the room, take note!

Where Harry was the secret shame of the family, Dudley was the golden boy who could do no wrong, even though he was morbidly obese, a nasty bully, and a spoiled rotten brat. But to Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, he was perfect.

His very shit might as well be made of gold bouillon, they way they carry on about the great lump, came the inner commentary of the sardonic aspect of his mind. 

He almost snorted with laughter, but luckily held it in before it could escape.

It's very sad, the way they treat him, said another part of his mind, one that sounded motherly.

Non-Rowlings in the room,  also take note: we later find out there are several people living in Harry's head, but at this point in the story they are just 'parts of his mind', each with a character trait like Sardonic or Motherly.

No sin yet, but it will become relevant later on.

The snake once again pointed. Harry read the sign again, which was getting difficult. He took his glasses off and it cleared up, which he thought was odd, but he was used to weird things happening by now. And he was talking to a snake, which was very weird indeed.

"Ah, bred in captivity. Yeah, I know how that feels. I never knew my parents either."

I know this is a sin in canon too, but do zoos actually put this information on signs around the animal enclosures? (Hang on, let me google that shit... Whoa, apparently they do. But I'm still giving this a sin for, um... projecting human emotions onto an animal. Yeah, that's right! A real snake would never miss its parents. (Geez, I am such an as*hole.)) *Ding!*

His aunt and uncle ran forward, and he pointed at them. "Them too," he told the snake. It chased after them, and he laughed even harder.

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