Chapter Four: The Many Faces Face the Two-Faced

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Hah! One sin removed for the unforgettably awesome chapter title. *!gniᗡ*

Note: Again, I copied and pasted in a few places. I do try to limit how much I do that, but sometimes I just can't improve upon the original.

Can't improve upon the original? Really?? You can't really think they're that great, considering how most of Al's dialog is just thinly veiled complaints about the canon books. *Ding!*

"We've decided to call it Tier," Iliana said one day after a particularly annoying exam, pronouncing it 'tee-air.' "It means 'animal' in German."

You know, I'ma let you in on a little secret. I was once mocked by someone I showed my work to, for giving the name 'Vulpecula' to a fox-girl OC (it literally means 'little fox' in Latin). And, you know what? I deserved it. But this author however seems to take a strange amount of pride in their terrible character naming. *Ding!*

The next few scenes are straight-up reruns of what happened in canon, right up until the encounter with Voldemort. I can't tell off the top of my head which bits of it are copy-pasted. To be fair, the author did try and re-write a lot of it. But it's just not different enough to be interesting.


Screwing up his courage, he stepped through the black flames and saw... not Snape. Not even Voldemort. It was... Quirrell?

In just a few seconds, everything clicked into place. Suddenly he felt like a fool. Of course it wasn't Snape; Snape had fancied his mum, he must have been protecting them, even if Harry looked like his father and Iliana like their mother. And this explained why Tier always got so agitated around Quirrell. He remembered Percy saying the turban was new; he remembered overhearing Quirrell begging mercy from someone. In an instant, he knew Quirrell wasn't alone. Voldemort was under that turban, had been the whole time. He felt sick at the thought.

It's a bit late for you to figure that out now, Al. And it's not like you wouldn't have found it out in a few moments anyway. *Ding!*

"Voldemort is under your turban, isn't he?"

Quirrell shuddered at the sound of his master's name. "Y-yes," he said, sounding briefly like his fake nervous self again. "You're quite right. I am never alone."

"Well that's just bloody disgusting. Why are you helping him, then, if he's just a parasite? What could he possibly do to you?"

Okay, this is pissing me off. In canon, Harry was genuinely frightened of Voldemort, and we as readers felt a lot of that fear. But Alastair Potter shows none of that. He just acts like a smug ass throughout this encounter. *Ding!*

"Oh really? Can he bring my parents back to life, then? Or is that just a little beyond him?" Al asked, reading the answer in Quirrell's annoyed face. "Well if that's the case, tell Moldywart he can go suck an egg."

"Such a mouth on you, Potter," said a hoarse whisper of a voice, chuckling at his cheek.

I'm trying to imagine what what Voldemort's "chucking" would sound like, and can't imagine it. Dark lords do not chuckle! *Ding!*

Everything Wrong with: The Many Faces of Har... er, Adira PotterWhere stories live. Discover now