Chapter 16

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After an enjoyable noon spent together we returned home.

"I'm going to my room so I can change and I'll be down in a minute." I wanted to go upstairs but he caught my arm.

"Wait a second. I've been thinking. We already spend our nights what if you move your things in my bedroom and we could call it ours. What do you say?" He asked.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. "I'd love that." He mirrored my smile and picked me up carrying me upstairs.


"I think we'll need a bigger wardrobe." I said looking at all of my clothes. The truth is I let myself carried away these months. I had pile of clothes that I've never worn.

"And you say you don't have what to wear." Hephaestion murmured.

"What?' I ask.

"Nothing. Don't worry. We'll manage."

"I guess I'll leave the drafts and sketches in the old room so I can work there, until we find a shop in town."

"Whatever you want. By the way. We are invited to a gathering at the palace." He said.

"What are we celebrating?"

"Nothing special. It's what we do to spend our free time. Usually men meet to discuss politics and other topics." He explained.

"And can I come? I mean if there are only men....."

"You already are the exception to the rule. And besides, it's not like women are not allowed. They just have other interests." He shrugged.


At the palace; 3rd POV

The king was entering Queen Olympia's room. He was nervous. Whenever his mother wanted to talk to him she planted the seed of doubt in his heart regarding the intention of his people. When the door opened he saw she standing at the small table, combing her hair, a snake curling around her leg.

He took a deep breath and approached her.

"Do you have something to tell me?" He asked.

"Straight to the subject. Not even a hello?" She asked, a smirk plastered on her face.

"I know you too well, mother. I know this isn't just a little chit-chat about weather."

"I see dark clouds over our kingdom. Alexander."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to meet this woman, Ella." Olympia said to her son.

"How do you know about her?"

"She's such a presence here in Macedon, it's impossible not to hear about this woman. A poor girl saved from the dessert turns out to be one of the most valued citizen in just a few months. She seems to be really nice. I want to talk to her. A conversation between two powerful women.

"Hephaestion helped her, a lot." The king said.

"Another reason that strengthens my desire to meet her. Hephaestion is part of family. I want to see who conquered his heart."


"Do as I say, Alexander, I know better."


2 hours later, Ella's POV

As soon as we arrived, the king grabbed Hephaestion hand and pulled him aside.

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