Chapter 27

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Betrayal is something you carry within yourself. No matter how many times you want to drop this huge burden it stays with you. A painful reminder that once you trusted someone too much. The worst thing is that it makes you incapable of completely putting your faith into someone else. You always wonder if someone wants your good will or just to take advantage. I knew that from a young age. You never know who to trust.

"It's a mess." I whispered from the balcony's edge. 'Why did you have to reappear know?Couldn't you just stay as far as away from me as possible. Exactly how it was supposed to be. No...if it was like that then I would be dead. Nothing is how it was supposed to be. Me dead, him the king or whatever he wanted to be, Hephaestion with someone else, maybe with Talia. Talia would be home, Jade would have another friend, Cleitus another crush, Sirius another best friend, Calliope another rival.' I was talking to myself. Not a good sign. If I continue like this I will surely go to the darkest corners of my mind and just make the situation worse than it already is.

I desperately needed a coffee. This aspect was one thing that made my stay here a little more bearable. Arabian coffee was the best one I've ever tasted. I carefully wrapped a scarf around my neck trying to hide the hickeys from last night. Hephaestion surely knew how to keep my mind away from current problems.

When I've entered the kitchen, the few soldiers that were there shut up.

"You can say whatever you want. I'm totally fine with these circumstances." I said while preparing the beverage.

"Is it true?" A younger boy asked me.

"The king brought your assassin here?" Another one finished the previous question.

"The king does what he thinks is best for us. And yes. Me and that man share a common past but it shouldn't interfere with what we have to do." I said.

"Aren't you scared?"

"No, I'm not. I have everything under control." But my composed demeanor disappeared when I nearly jumped out of my skin at a simple touch on the shoulder. A few drops of hot water felt on the counter and on my skin. I hissed at the painful contact and shook my hand.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." Cleitus said, clearly taken aback by my reaction.

"It's ok. I'm just a little distracted, that's all." I said. After making two coffees I've literally run out of the chamber to the bedroom, hoping that I won't bump into someone else on my way.

"Ella wait!" I turned around and saw Cleitus and Sirius running after me.

"We know that probably Hephaestion is ready to protect you, but we are also on your side and any time you need our help with the current situation, just ask." Cleitus said.

"Do you want us to beat him, torture maybe? Just say and you'll have it." Sirius said.

"You both are so nice. Thank you guys." I gave them both a hug, careful so I won't spill the coffee.

Hephaestion was already awake, welcoming me with that warm smile that always made me weak in the knees. I put the two cups on the small table and took the seat next to him.

"You look better this morning. You were so pale yesterday. Now you have more color in your cheeks." He said.

"Life is unpredictable. What can I say? I must stay at the table and play the cards I'm dealt." I said. My hand was on the table and Hephaestion gently grabbed it and ran his thumb across it.

"Nice scarf." He had a mischievous grin on his face.

"Shut up." I playfully hit him with my foot under the table.

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