Chapter 2

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As you make your way to your next class you “trip” because the person who did it started laughing at you.

“What the fuck was that for you fucker” you glared at him

“Well you knew I did it but I guess your not as smart as I thought you would be for changing schools so many time as you have.”  God did I want to slap that grin right off his face

“Whatever I don’t have time for this” *sigh* I hate this school already

 As you get to your next class you are bumped with a great force and you fell again. But you don’t care to yell this time and get your stuff.

“Sorry, hehe, HELLO?” waving a hand in your face

“Yeah it’s fine I really don’t care that much” ‘where’s my sketch book?’

“Is this yours?” ‘please have not seen my drawings’’ “Not bad” 

“Yeah whatever it’s not like I care what you think about it anyw- are you fucking wearing shades!? They let you do that? Hey you were that guy in biology with... what was his name” ‘it start with J I think’

“John and what was with that show you put up”

“It’s not a show it’s because when I was a kid- wait you have no need to know” I can’t believe I was going to tell him 

“Dave. Dave Strider and you’re”

“Karkat Vantas”

“What a weird name, we should get to class because I can’t be late again” what. a. prick.


“”Whatever” you say that to much say something like “Yes Dave I would do anything for you” now you try”

“FUCK OFF” he’s getting on my nerves

“Good for now but I will get you to say it one day” he patted you on the head

“Try me, I don’t think we’ll talk much after this” you say in a ‘nope you’re wrong and i’m right’ tone

“Nope we will because we’ll be best bros, I can tell” he said in the same tone, oh and that smirk, you never had wanted to punch someone so bad

“No, I can tell that we’ll be friends or you’ll try to be friends but I fuck something up and you’ll leave, it always happen and just so I don’t have to go though the whole problem and end up hurt I just skip to the end, in which I end up with nothing” I just want to be alone can’t you see that T-T

“I don’t think you could fuck anything up that bad aaaannnnd if you draw me something I might change my mind about it being “Not bad”” he quoted himself

“Fine but then you owe me a poptart” you want lunch


In class you start to draw because your brother made you study all the time when you were in the hospital (it was that or listen to him talk and you don’t want to do that so you read, you were in there for about two year plus the many days you were in there for other things) so you could probably graduate high school a in 2-3 months if you read a little more. You just start to look around for something to draw but after sometime looking around you just started to draw him. You were so focused on drawling that when the bell rang it scared you, Dave and you walked to your next class which you both had together again, surprisingly you had a lot of class(*wink wink*) . You did the same for the other class, you finish the drawling last class so you start to draw some other people and your happy they will never see it because that really weird.

Dave asked if you want to sit with him at lunch, you said sure but you don’t know why this friendship will be over in a week or two and if you could you would put bets on it. 

“Remember you owe me poptarts” you stated to make sure he remember

“Yeah yeah whatever”

“And you said that I say that a lot”

“I said that?” He looks back at you and you see his eyebrow come up from his shade’s with a questioning look “Follow me and i’ll give you your poptarts”

“Anything for the cool kid” you said with a playful tone

“That’s right and no poptarts if I don’t have a picture in my hand” he said back in a little more serious tone but still playful

You sit next to Dave in an open spot because you won’t have anywhere else to sit without a fist to the face. “Fine” you hand over the picture and hold your hand out and wait for the pack of food and when you get it you open and start eating but slow down when you see people looking at you.

“Dave” you elbow him in the side “DAAAVVVEEEEE” you yell whisper to hi

“Karkitty you drew this” he turn his and looks at you

“One: don’t ever call me that or I’ll punch you, two: yes, why? Wasn’t that my side of the deal” I said as I start to eat my poptarts, Oh god they were good.

“Yes it was but this is great, just how!?” 

“Magic, but we can talk about that later, so why are those people staring at me”

“Sorry those “people” are my friends, that’s John but you should already know that” Dave  point to the guy on the other side of him.

“Next to you is-” you cut him off “Kanaya?” you look at her ‘is it really her?!’

“Yeeeessss that’s her but how do you know that? Plus next to her is rose, their dating” he whispers that last part to you

“If I might ask how do you know my name” Kanaya you looked at you confused, plus I think everyone at the table started to listen to your conversation

“Yeah, you pestered me around three years or so ago but two months you sent a picture of yourself saying that I should know what you look like because you know what I look like which I still don’t know how you know what I look like” I look in her eyes “Well do I look like what you thought I looked like?”

“No but I think you look fine, and your uncle, how is he doing for you?”

“We’ll say that my brother was right and he’s an asshole and stop there I don’t want to talk about it here because I don’t really true anyone but you..” I motion for her too come closer “... don’t say any thing about my eyes and we should talk later in a better place”

“Kanaya I thought your pesterChum buddy you know her” the girl named rose stated, she looked down after saying that like it was bad to talk about like her had died or something.

“I know that I probably don’t want to know but who is her? But seeing as it’s a sad topic you don’t have to say if you don’t want to.”

Who’s her, no one knows!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, that’s it you can stop read whatever words that I’m putting down right now because they is really know point but I’m going to keep typing because if it was me I would read all of this to see what it is saying because I’m me, I’m going to stop now. Bye <3

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