Chapter 12

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Haymitch POV

After we tried to explain everything to Effie and tried to calm her down, we ended up arguing the with the head of District 13. Not against us, but for allowing Effie some "fashion."

The damn woman wouldn't calm down. She kept rambling on and on about her so called "fashion" and how she couldn't live without it. She ended up keeping her hair and she still complained. The damn woman was lucky she was able to keep something. They tool all away alcohol from me.

After everyone's been settled down and gone to wherever they need to be I quickly grab Odair and Katniss before they escape.

I pull them inside another abandoned room. We all seriously need to find another place to talk. If people see us going into an abandoned room, they're gonna think something.

And they might not exactly think the right thing. I mean there's Odair, sex god, Katniss, the most desired person in the world, and then there's me, a drunk victor who happens to be really close to the two.

Ugh, we seriously need to find a new hiding spot.

I close the door silently and turn back to catch their angry glares.

"What the hell Haymitch?" Katniss mutter angrily.

"Listen up and listen good," I say fiercely. "You two will stay out of trouble. You two won't jeopardize this god damn revolution."

"We already know that," Finnick states.

"Yeah, I know you two know that, but the problem her is if you two will listen to it!"

"Of course we'll listen to it! what else are we gonna do?" Katniss exclaims.

I raise my eyebrow at her. "Do you really want to do that? Then fine we'll do it this way. So tell me what you were gonna do before I stopped you guys?"

They both go silent and turn a shade lighter.

"Exactly," I growl. "You two aren't thinking for the revolution, you two are thinking for yourselves! Do you know how much trouble you two would've caused if you told Peeta?"

Katniss is about to snarl something back but before she can, I cut her off.

"The revolution basically survives off you. More likely you and Peeta. What do you think would happen if they found out it was all a lie?"

Katniss returns the the same state Finnick was left in. "This revolution would collapse. More people we imagined would die."

"Don't you think we know that already?" Katniss says quietly.

"Really Katniss? Do you? Do you realize telling Peeta it was fake would ruin the whole thing? Do you realize that he truly does love you Katniss? He's already lost his family Katniss. How much more do you want to break him?"

"We all lost someone Haymitch! Why is he any different? Why is this situation any different?" Katniss remarks.

"Katniss, you don't get how much he loves you do you? How would you feel if you and Finnick just got separated right now? It would kill you right? I already saw how broken you got just not getting to be "with" him anymore. How much would it hurt to lose him?"

The two grow silent. I turn to Finnick.

"You know how this ends don't you?" He nods his head solemnly. "I'm sorry, but you two just have to let this disappear. You can't tell anyone. Just let it disappear."

"How are we suppose to do that?" Finnick gasps out.

I look down and try to sympathize with them. "I know you two have feelings. I know they're strong, but for now you are going to have to let them go. When the war ends, if it ever does, you are free to do what you like. If the feelings are still there after all this mess, then you know it truly was meant to be. If not, then perhaps you got it all wrong."

I look up and glance at both at them straight in the eyes. "Do you two understand me?"

They nod slowly and sadly. "I'm sorry. I hate to do this."

"We know Haymitch," Finnick replies.

"Why Odair, about time you talk. You seem to get awfully silent whenever we have conversations!" I say sarcastically trying to lighten up the mood."

He smirks and says, "I tend to leave the arguing with you two." He gestures to me and Katniss.

"Aww don't be a sourpuss, join the fun." I slap him on the back and we walk out of their with sad smirks, smiles, and laughter on our faces.

Hopefully no one confuses this with the wrong thing.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating sooner!

Some things to read: PLEASE!

1. Go check out a short story spin off thing called "Our Little Game" written by ObsessedWithHelsa

2. I was wondering what do you guys think about a little smut? I'm not saying with who, but just the general idea of smut in the story?

3. I'm trying to write my own original story and I'm trying to get a few chapters finished before I post it. Hopefully you guys will try it out when it's published!


5. Building the Fire reached 20k!!! Thank you guys so much!! When I saw it I literally screamed and started dancing like a weirdo!! Also a big thank you to all you who read, commented, voted, everything! OMG! I just love you guys!

Sorry for any mistakes :)

Burning Bright (Flaming Desire Book 2) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now