Chapter 17 - Reunited

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A week had passed by quite quickly and i was finally getting used to how things worked on the ward. I decided that my favourite people who worked here was Mike, Hannah,Fraya and another nurse called Alex, he was good looking.

Today it was a Thursday and it was normally the day the doctor would review me. I wasn't looking forward to seeing him today because i was in such a bad mood. It was a lovely day outside the first time in months that we had seen any sun and i was stuck on a ward and the stupid doctor wouldn't give me any leave to go for a walk.

''Matilda, the doctor wants to see you and i'm coming in with you today.''

Fraya was working again today and i loved that she would come into see the doctor with me because he always gave me the creeps.

I walk up to the front door and wait for Fraya to fob us out (his office was outside the ward). I enter the office first and Fraya followed close behind me and shut the door after us.

''So Matilda, you have been with us for about a week now how are you finding the ward?''

''Um its OK, its a lot different compared to the children's ward.''

''Yeah it will be this is intensive and an adult ward this is the first time we have had someone who is under 18 with us but an exception had to be made. When a bed becomes available in the child max ward we will be sending you down there.''

''Max, i don't need to go to max.''

He leaned back on his chair casually ''Matilda you tried to kill yourself on the other ward and needed serious medical attention, they said that until you are mentally stable you are to stay either here or in max.'' He looked at me showing no emotions at all.

I kept quiet at this as i didn't know how to reply to what he said and just waited patiently for what he was going to say next.

''Anyway Matilda i've been speaking to doctor Morgan (child's ward doctor) and he agrees with me that we should change the medication that you are on. You are currently taking Aripiprazole, we are going to be changing it to Quetiapine and starting you off at a dose of 300mg once a day at night. Its a new drug that has had many good affects to people. After about a week or two we'll start you on taking it twice then up to three times a day and see what difference it makes. Any questions?''

Thousands of questions went through my head but picking one just seemed too hard for me. I settled on saying no to him mostly because i wanted to get out of his office.

We left his office and Fraya let us back onto the ward.

''Hey are you sure you don't have any questions because it sure looked like you had plenty to ask?''

''Yeah i'm sure, it was just a lot to take in at once, i didn't think they be changing my medication that's all.''

She gave me a look, it was the look that people gave me when they knew i was lying.

''OK then but if there is anything just come and ask any of the staff.''

I nodded to her to show that i understood what she was saying and we parted are ways, i decided that i wanted to go back to my room and lie down. What i really wanted was my mother to come back and see me, i really missed her so much. I also missed Ray, i hope he is doing well down on the other ward and the staff are treating him nicely.

*Knock knock*

Fraya entered my bedroom with a massive grin on her face, i managed to wipe the tears that had began to overfill out of my eyes but i think she noticed.

''I have some good news for you, the children's ward has got in touch with us and has asked if we can host a guest for you for about an hour. His name is Ray and he will be arriving after dinner that's if you want to see him you don't have too if you don't want to.''

A grin spread across my face and it was actually genuine. ''Yes that's totally fine, how have you managed to do this?''

''The doctors from his and this ward organised it because you got on well when you were together.''

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face '' thanks so much.''

''That's OK, its good to see you actually happy for once this week.''

She left the room and i did a little squeal to myself.

By 1 o'clock i was waiting at one of the tables, i put on some nice clothes and put my hair up into a pony tail.

''Matilda you have a visitor.''

I looked around to see Ray being escorted into the ward by one of the nurses i recognised off the children's ward.

''Hey how are you sis ive been really worried about you the nurses wouldn't tell me where you were. How has this happened?''

''Um i don't really want to talk about that if that is OK?''

''Yeah that is fine but you really worried me that's all.''

There was silence between us i decided i was going to break it.

''So how was max? did they treat you OK? I was worried about you.''

''Yeah max was alright and they did treat me well but i was glad when they brought me back to the main ward. I did miss you when i was down there and i'm sorry i ignored you when i finally came back they have me on so many different medications that i couldn't function properly.''

''That's fine i didn't think anything bad about it. They said they are going to send me to max when a bed becomes available just until i am stable on my meds and i behave myself.''

When i told him this i saw his face change slightly but he quickly noticed what he was doing and managed to hide it.

''You wont be long down in max they will notice straight away that you don't belong there. You will understand when you get there. How has it been on a adult ward?''

''Its very different there is not a lot to do here and its very intensive because staff are constantly watching you. The doctors said i could be here for another two to three months yet.''

''Wow that is a long time fair play and then you be put in max, i don't know when we will be able to meet again, they didn't want to give us this meeting.''

''Why not we are family at the end of the day and we have a lot of catching up to do and-''

''They don't know that we are brother and sister and i would like to keep it that way at the moment if that's OK because if they do find out they will not put us back into the same ward they will split us up, do you understand?''

I nodded to him and he knew that i understood what he meant. We chatted then about my upbringing and how it was so different to his yet we ended up in the same place, we also told some funny stories which was nice because we ended the visit on a happy note.

A nurse approached us when it turned 2 o'clock to tel us that there was a nurse ready to take ray back to his ward. We hugged each other and said to one another to behave ourselves which made us laugh again. I waved him out the door and made my way back to my bedroom. I was so exhausted from the visit that i fell asleep on the bed.


Thought it was a good time to reunite them

hope you enjoyed the chapter

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