Chapter 21 - One Big Secret

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I woke up the next day to the terrible sounds of Tristan banging on all the doors.


He got to my room and instead of just knocking he walked in.

''Hey beautiful time to get up for breakfast''

I got up and started to put my slippers on.

''No no, come on, you need to be dressed in day clothes to go to the dining room.''

He just stood there watching me, his eyes hungry for more action.

''I'm not going to get changed with you staring at me, please can you leave.''

I could see him thinking about what he was going to say, but he turned on the spot and started heading out the door.

''I'll be waiting for you so don't be too long.''

He closed the door behind him and i started to get changed. I couldn't believe that i was stuck on a ward with a rapist, i wondered how many other girls were going through the same thing or was it just me that he targeted.

I started to make my way to the dining room and Tristan followed up behind me but he didn't approach me. I grabbed myself dome toast from the hatch and made my way to a table. Dawn, Tilly and Ceri joined me. 

''Hey Matilda, how was your first night?''

I looked up to see dawn smiling at me with a mouthful of sausage. I laughed at her and she made a silly face at me.

''Yeah it was OK, i managed to sleep fine but the wake up call could have been better.''

All the girls nodded in agreement with me. I decided to share my concerns about Tristan with the other girls to see if they agreed with me.

''So guys what is it about that nurse Tristan.'' It was Ceri who answered me.

''Just do as he says and you'll get it easy down here, special treatment you know what i mean?''

I just stared at her in utter surprise. I couldn't believe what i heard her say. 

''He's only been here for about a month and one of the other girls who used to be here got his attention and when he made a move on her she went crying to one of the other nurses and got herself sent to high security because they all thought she was losing her mind. Now we all keep quiet and put up with it, you don't want to be put in high security they use the strong meds there.''

I was completely thunderstruck with the information i was given.

''So have you all been part of his weird fantasy?''

It was Tilly who answered me this time.

''Yeah we are but there are some lucky ones who haven't been subjected to his unique lifestyle. He likes the pretty girls. Ones who know how to take care of themselves. Ones who are not too sick and have the brains to keep quiet.''

I watched the girls all eat there breakfast while trying to take in everything that they had told me.

After breakfast we all went down to the lounge to watch some Jeremy kyle, We all laughed at the immature crack heads and there ludicrous nonsense.

''Matilda, i would like to see you about your care and treatment plan.'' His snake like voice sent tremors through my body. I got up and joined him. ''We'll go into one of these rooms.'' He pointed me inside and followed behind me locking the door as he went.

''Its been a while since i have seen you and i've missed your body.''  He slithered his way over to me and started to feel me up. His breathing was heavy and it made me feel sick. 

Someone knocked on the door which caught him by surprise and he quickly let go of me. He unlocked the door and a student nurse walked in saying that she had been told to go and sit in on our meeting by another member of staff. I was glad to hear this and began to relax. 

The meeting went by quite quickly now that there was somebody else there. When i was dismissed i went straight beck to the girls to tell them what had happened. They were all stunned at the fact that i managed to get out of having a frisking session with Tristan.

The rest of the day was spent watching telly, playing cards and listening to music. Tristan was busy with work to take any notice of us and when his shift finished we all had weight lifted off our shoulders.

I went to bed that night thanking god that nothing happened between us but i was worried about the next time that we met and the fact that i wasn't the only one made me feel better but horrible at the same time.


Thanks everyone for all the reads and votes and i'm glad that you are enjoying the story line.

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