Chapter 5 - Making A Friend

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I know I said it be uploaded In 2 days but I am away on competitions all weekend. This chapter is dedicated to a band that saved my life more than once My Chemical Romance. please enjoy xx

I still lay on the bed where the nurse left me. Some many thoughts travelling around my head. All I wanted to was to leave this world and never return.

*knock knock*

A young blond haired nurse walks into my room.

"Matilda it is time for breakfast, if you would come with me please and I will show you the way to the dining room.

I followed the nurse out of my room and down a long hallway. The nurse was talking to me but I decided to ignore her.

"Here we are. This is were you will come for breakfast, lunch and dinner time. That's where you get your food from".

She pointed to the kitchen hatch and left me to it.

I walked over and joined the queue, I was so hungry. It felt like weeks since I had last eaten.

I took my tray of food and sat at a table by myself. It wasn't long before a beautiful blue eyed boy came and sat next to me.

The boy was skinny with long black hair. He wore black skinny jeans with a My Chemical Romance tee on.

"Hey, I'm Matilda". I decided to talk first to break the silence.

"Hey, I'm Ray Stevens".

His voice was so deep and soothing. It could make your heart skip a beat.

"I'm 17 years old and I am in here for depression". He held out his hand for me to shake it.

I grabbed his hand and shook it.

"I'm 15 turning 16 soon and I have no idea why I am in here for.

We ended up talking about our favourite bands while we finished our breakfasts

We walked back to the ward and he showed me around. we ended up staying in the quiet room talking about music.

*one and a half hours later*

"Ray" A nurse calls out.

"You have your appointment with Dr. Forest".

Ray stands up and turns to me says bye and that he will talk to me later.

As he walks away I then realise that I have actually made a real friend.

This was the best day of my life...

...Or was it.


chapter 6 will be up on the first of September but then every weekend because I wont have time with school to write out anymore chapters x

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