Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Lost

Taehyung's POV

My agonizing pain is still the same

It's always the same ever since I lost all of my memories and left my brain with a blank page...that was the kind of pain I felt...I don't know who I was... I couldn't even remember how I lost them and it agonizes me...

Have I lost myself

Not a question and yet I refused it to become a statement of reality..."I'm indenial" so they say..."but I'm confused" that's how I see myself...

Or have I gained you

I yearned for the people to have me as I am... even though I am lack of something...I yearned for their unconditional love, trust, and friendship...however, things have gotten so messed up after I learned the truth...They fed me with lies...They were all Big-fat-lies and it made me a hollow man...

Tell me if my voice is real

Please...anyone?...I'm starting to doubt "me"...I'm beginning to question the real "me"...who am I, exactly?...

Tell me if even this pain is real

Now I'm also starting to doubt about my sufferings and trying to figure it out if any of them are real...trying to decipher the difference between reality and fantasy...

Well, Curse it!... Heck, I don't even know when and where to start!... I shoved and showed nothing on my pockets and pretty much describe as an empty bottle...A glass shell without anything from the inside...


why all of this happenings seemed so cruel?...

why does the world had been so cruel to me?...

"What I was supposed to do back then"

"And cut!...Alright everyone... that's a wrap...the M/V shooting for V's part is now completely finished... job well done for you and for your hard work...Now take a break and rest..."... our director announced as another successful achievement for BTS project have been set and held...

"Kamsahamnida... gamdong-nim..."I said with earnest respect and also bowed back to the staff and crew as I strawed away from the crowd...

I almost reached my destination (with the chair) when a tall-'ol-goody-looking man had suprised me with a quick visit...

"Hey there handsome..."

"Rapmonie-hyung... stop it... your embarrassing me..."

"Charming..."he stated in sarcasm...

"Like a prince?..." self proclamation indeed...

Minutes later, I do as I was told as what the singer-slash-songwriter-slash-rapper had said... be humble and just sit down... and finally became one with the chair...

"You and your cuteness... by the way... how's everything going?"

"Smoothly..."... I guess so...

"How are things with you and Irene?"...that's too sudden... he just throw the question right off the bat infront of my face...

"You know I can't talk about her right now hyung...I really appreciated that you cared... but now is not the time to mention her name..."...nope...not after what she did to me...

"And Jimin?"...

"I don't know... we're bestfriends ever since our training and rookie days...i mean we all are... and he's the closest to a brother that I can imagine with....but I had to's hard to put aside our friendship over someone that I viewed and offered love but turns out it evolved from a fake relationship..."

My Soul is Switched in SeoulTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon