Chapter 1 - I should've kissed you

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      Fear (well actually fear was the understatement of the century) I could feel it in everyone. I swear at one point I heard a pin drop. We sat around the table in silence and passed the salad to one another. The tears that were forming in my eyes, threatened to stream down my cheeks, and made it very hard to see. My Liam was gone and I could do nothing to get him back! He was gone, forever! Which got me thinking how long is forever, really? My thoughts were interrupted by the door flying open causing a terrible crash when it hit the wall. A tall dark figure stepped in from the rain. “Oh my god!” someone said under their breath.

**End dream**

God that was bloody terrifying I thought!!

"Niall? Niall it's time to get up mate...” Liam said and shook me violently

“Fine I didn't want to have to do this mate but it’s your fault" And Liam leaves the room sighing

God, I freakin hate it when he call me that, mate?!?!!?!? Really is that all we are?!? My name is Niall James Horan and yes if you are wondering I'm gay and I have loved Liam for a year now.

"AHHHHH!!!" Liam yells as he charges in my room, I opened one eye to see what the hell he is doing. Before I can react to seeing him with that bucket of water he throws it on me!

"OI!!"" I shriek

He just laughs and walks downstairs to start making breakfast, I run after him to get him back. I run in to see Louis and Harry are already up and are chatting about some girl at the concert the other night.

"Oh bless him" Louis coos as I yawn and rub my eyes “he looks so sweet when he's sleepy!"

They all laughed at the comment, so did I. Liam set the food on the table and said dig in, so I did!!! Liam had a self-satisfied look on his face as he looked on at his tasty creation. Liam joins in on Louis and Harry’s conversation by saying “Did you see the legs on that one whoa!!!"

I can't take this anymore. I run upstairs and go in my room and shut the door. I flop on my bed and start to cry a little bit. Why can’t he just love me back? Why can't we be together? I can see he is uninterested in me and guys in general, but I still love and hope for him. There is a little knock on the door and Liam calls through the closed door “Niall can I come in mate?"

 There's that freakin word again. I can tell now that’s all we are. He opens the door without my permission and sits on the end on my un-made bed. He pats the back of my leg.

"Ni...” Liam started, his brown eyes looked sad, "What’s wrong?"

"Nothing," I muttered into my pillow” 

I know this isn't ‘nothing’ Niall, we are best friends” he said concern washing over him

“I feel sick."I spat

"Niall you never skip a meal even when you’re sick, so please when you’re ready come talk to me."

He paused to see if I was listening or not and finally said “We are best mates please, talk to me."

HE really doesn't get it, does he?!?!? Each and every time he says mate or friend it tears my heart even more. I can feel my chest tighten and suddenly I start feeling starts at my toes and working its way up gradually until finally I realized what was happening but it was too late. It is like word vomit, it just came up.

"LIAM. I..." I start to say but I stop myself, what if I lost my best friend because of this? What if he laughed? What if he told the press (which he wouldn't because we are close)? What if he tells the lads and they don't want a gay guy in their group?!?!?

Liam looks so loving and comforting at the moment and he seems soo concerned... About me! He pulls me into a hug so my chin is on his shoulder, I breath him in, he smells so good and with that I gather my new found courage .I pull out of the embrace with hot tears stinging my eyes and streaking down my cheeks. Liam is about to say something, the look on his face looks hurt. I shush him and start to look at my hands.

"Liam...I...I like you." I gulp

He gets up and walks out....


 My little Nialler looks so hurt. I want to make it stop and make him smile his adorable crooked smile again. OMG Liam you sound like a girl!!!

He is your best mate! Don't even! You are attracted to girls anyways. You always have been. I mean you just got out of a relationship with Danielle and she was stunning and you loved her, it’s just your schedules were too hectic at the moment. But…Oh god I think I love Niall. Everything from his laugh to his quick remarks and his funny ways of getting me to smile. No!!! Stop this you’re not attracted to your best mate.  

 But when I'm with Niall I am definitely attracted to him I argue with the voice in my head as Niall just sits and looks at his hands. I pull him in for a hug just to let him know I'm here for him. He pulls out of my hug with tears spilling over onto his cheeks’ start to tell him it’s ok but he says shush.

"Liam...I...I like you." he says even more tear pouring onto his rosy cheeks

I feel tears start to well up in my eyes and feel my stomach knot. I'm soo happy I run over to my room and grab my song book (where i write down how I'm feeling and write lyrics to fit the mood) so I can show him my feelings! As I reach his room I see a little blonde boy in a ball crying on his messy bed. I sit beside him; he sobs something I don't quite understand. I pull him up and hold him like a mother holds a child with a scrapped knee, and just let him sob. When it starts to subside I decide I am going to show him my song book. I motion towards his guitar and he nods I give it a quick tune. I flick to a page I think will sound the best right now and start to play... (A little slower than normal)

I keep playing inside my head, all that you said to me

I lie awake just to convince myself this wasn't just a dream

'Cause you were right here and I should have taken the chance

But I got so scared and I lost the moment again

It's all that I can think about, oh, you're all that I can think about

(I look in Niall’s  teary eyes and feel myself having a hard time not getting up and kissing him right then and there.)

Is your heart taken? Is there somebody else on your mind?

I'm so sorry, I'm so confused

Just tell me, am I out of time?

Is your heart breaking? How do you feel about me now?

I can't believe I let you walk away when

when I should have kissed you

I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you (x4)

I finish singing to see a very stunned Niall. He leans forward and says "thank you". I leant in to kiss him, his blue eyes twinkle when he is happy! I barely touch my lips to his when his stomach growls, he pulls back with his eyes still closed and a big goofy "Niall grin" on his face.

Do you really like me too?" Niall says

"Ummm DUH!" I smile

"Then why did you leave?"He says to me looking hurt

"I went to get my song book to show you how I really feel."

"Did you really mean what you sang?" He asks coyly

"Of course I did!" I laugh and kiss his nose

"Niall I promise never again will i leave you!" I say as he wraps me in a giant hug “Now let’s go eat that lovely food I made for us!!" I giggle as his stomach grumbles and the fact his entire face lights up at the mention of food.

Love is a friendship set to music. ( A Niam story)Where stories live. Discover now