Chap 2

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As they walked towards Kenny and Cartman, Cartman was flipping them off. Stan was sighing a little, but it was too nice of a day to get upset. He just couldn’t that dream out of his head. It was so sexy, so romantic in Stan’s eyes. Kyle was by his side, he knew he couldn’t know these developing feelings. Heck, Stan was unsure what he was feeling. He thought he liked girls; he went out with Wendy a long time ago. “Well Kyle was always there for me.” He thought to himself. He didn’t want to think about it too much, so they four of them got on the bus, sat down, and waited for them to get off at school.

                The bus stopped for everyone to get off. Kyle and Stan had most of the same classes together except two. Stan was in a different math class than Kyle. Kyle was smart in math, so he was taking an advanced math class. Stan was just in the regular math class. The other class was an elective. Stan was taking a wood class while Kyle was taking a music class. Kyle took up playing the trumpet; even if he is smart in math, he was always very artistic. Stan liked making things out of wood and was good with machines. Cartman was in a class with Stan, and Kenny was with Kyle playing the saxophone. Stan was a little jealous that Kenny was in the music class with Kyle because they could spend more time together playing music, while Stan was with Cartman, building things.

                “Hey, earth to Stan! Come on dude, we gotta carve this.” Cartman said trying to snap Stan out of it.

                “Oh, sorry Cartman, I just have a lot on my mind at the moment.” Stan said with a sigh.

                “What’s wrong buddy? You know you can trust me.” Cartman said in a caring voice.

                Now in the past, Cartman for the life of him could not keep a secret, times have changed though. Cartman is now a better person to keep secrets. He started doing so in the 6th grade. He went to a camp and after that experience, he started becoming a  gentlemen. He still was a jerk though. Stan knew he could trust Cartman though now. He felt better about telling him what was going on.

                “You have to promise me Cartman, you cannot tell the others about this you got it? If you even slip once, I will beat you up.” Stan threatened Cartman.

                “Stan, you know you don’t have a bloody chance against me, but I won’t tell anyone. Don’t worry.” Cartman replied.

                It was true though, Cartman lost all of his weight and gained muscle. He did this at that summer camp he went to. Cartman was the athletic out of the others, he was even on the basketball team. Kyle joined the math team, Kenny joined choir and started singing, while Stan, he joined a club for video games and anime. He was into all of that.

 At least Butters was with Stan. Butters was still a little bit gullible, but not as much anymore. Butters became hot. Kenny even thought Butters was sexy, and he always thought Butters was adorable for being so gullible. All the girls were over Butters though, so Kenny thought he was into them, but little did Kenny know, Butters had feelings for Kenny.

                Stan went ahead and started telling Cartman about his feelings.

                “Well, it’s Kyle. Remember that day we had that video game get together? Well I started thinking about Kyle in a different way, as if I have a crush on hm.” Stan explained blushing a bit.

                “Really Stan.” Cartman said as he already knew. “It’s alright Stan, it’s natural to have these feelings, I mean come on, you two are like the smartest kids and hung out a lot. I wouldn’t be surprised if he liked you back haha.” Cartman replied.

                “You cannot tell Kyle, please Catman.” Stan pleaded.

                “I won’t Stan, don’t worry, but you should talk to him about this, I am not going to get in between.” Cartman said.

                “Thanks Cartman, I am still unsure of all this, why did it happen? Why now all of a sudden?” Stan questioned.

                “It seems like you had these feelings for a long time Stan, we are growing and maturing, realizing these feelings. Sorry, but that psych class is teaching me a lot.” Cartman said to Stan.

                “You might be right Cartman, but I had a dream about him, we kissed and it was so amazing.” Stan said happily.

                “Oh Stan, you do have a crush on him, how cute.” Cartman replied.

                Stan just stood there blushing and started working on their project. Cartman’s words were true, Stan must have felt this for a while now. But what about him and Wendy? Maybe it was after they broke up he started feeling this. Kyle was the only one who would comfort him after his heart was broken. Kyle helped heal his break. What Stan didn’t realize was that he fell for Kyle. That night at the party, in the one glance, he felt strange, Stan was excepting that he liked Kyle. Cartman also supported Stan with his little crush, even though he still called him a gaywad. Stan didn’t mind, he knew Cartman has been saying that for years.

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