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Author: Hi! Thank you for taking a chance on my story! (Btw, the song is up there b/c One of the character are coming out on this part)

I'm not going to say much, b/c I don't want to spoil anything for you guys. All I will say is,

This is based of a true story. Sort of. I heard some story the radio of this really cute couple and the radio host said there story should be a movie. Why not have it as a written story?

I don't know the names of the real couple, or some small details. So I'm filling those in!

And I have decided, I'm going to choose some celebs to be some of my characters. Because why not?( I'll show them at the end)

 I'll let you guy's read the story:) please don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter/part.

Sky walks downstairs holding her breath. She keeps wanting to turn back, but she can't. This has to be done. Now or never.

"Mom? Dad?" Sky calls out. 

"Yes Skylar?" Mom answers. "What is it?" Dad speaks. 

I inhaled deeply, I really don't like when they call me Skylar. 

Deep breath, I think to myself. 

"I need to tell you something. Something, big." I let myself take one more deep before saying words I couldn't take back. Not knowing how they will react makes so shaky and scared.

Feeling light headed, lips dry, I say," I'm pansexual." my body feels light and shaky. OMG, I, actually said it. okok breath...

 Dad looks at me confused," What does that mean?". Pfft, of course they don't know what pansexual means. they barely know what being gay means.

" It means, I am attracted to all genders. Yes, I know that there only men and woman(more like in their eyes). But let's be real. This is 2018. Anything can happen. Anybody can be anything.". 

Mom looks straight at me and looks into my eyes and says," Are you sure you are pansexual?", her voice cracked when she said this. She's trying really hard to not break down. I can tell.

"Yes, I'm positive.".  I say straight(even tho im not lol) forward.

Dad let's out a deep breath," Well if this is you, we still love you, for you. We will support you through everything you do.". 

Dad's eyes were tearing up, which made me and  Moms eyes swell up. After some time of silence, we all went to bed.

A weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. A load of stress. Gone.


Next person to tell... Cara Heart.(Cara is short for Caradelle 'car-ah-dell') 

Cara is my most best friend in the whole world. 

She's been there for me through the worse and the best of times. When I found myself attracted to girls(and more), my first instinct was to tell Cara.

 But, then I thought," What if this ruins our relationship?...What if we grow apart because of this?...What if...What if...". 

So I decided to hold back on telling Cara. 

But since I told my parents, It's given me the strength to tell Cara I'm pansexual. So I will.

Now It's all about finding the right time to tell her...

wish me luck, haha..

Author Note:

~A Trip to Happiness~ **A PANSEXUAL STORYWhere stories live. Discover now