Chapter 1

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Author: all I have to say is right now


Pls.(man I sound really needy, but pls do vote)

Everybody is yelling out a count down,"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0!!".


Schools out and now it's summer time! Goodbye grade 11 and hello summer! (Then senior year)

Me and Cara grinned at each other. 

We have been planning on going on a trip after grade 11(which is right now *lol duh) for a while now, and now we have the chance to go.(since, you know it's after grade 11 and officially, it's summer. *again duh)

" So have you decided which campground you want to go to?", Cara asks me as we walk down the hallway. 

"I was thinking we could go to Camp Nakamun for a week or so. Is that cool?". 

Cara smiled, "That sounds perfect.We'll leave on Monday ". 

I was in a daze, looking at her beautiful face.. God damn. How can she do that to me? Make me feel these things... I have to tell her, that's all my brain is telling me. Over, and over, and over...

I shake it off. We got planning to do.

Monday. Today was Friday. I would be leaving less than 3 days. I have no idea how Mom and Dad are going to react to this. I had to go home (because I had to tell my Mom the big news,hope goes well) so I waved bye to Cara.

I opened the door , and Mom was sitting on the couch, with her legs crossed. She turns her her to see me, startling her a bit, "Skylar! I didn't hear you come in.". 

"Yeah, I'm like a ninja.", I showed off a few ninja moves and Mom laughed.

After a bit of silence, I started pacing around the room. Softly, but enough for Mom to notice me. 

Mom lets out a deep sigh, "What do you want?". I went over to the couch to sit next to her.

 "Well, you know how me and Cara have been planning on going on a trip before our senior year?", 

"Yes, I do remember you talking about this.". 

Deep breath,

"So we have now just figured out all the details on the trip, and when we are going...",



"Like in 3 days Monday?"

" that okay?"

Mom took a few moments(she was very silent for like 30 seconds, spooked me a bit), "Yes, it's fine. I believe Cara is going to be driving correct?".

I nodded. "I promise we will be safe and I will text you when we get there."

Water started forming in Moms eyes. "Your growing up so fast. I wish you would stop that."

I chuckle and roll my eyes a teensy bit, "I know.", I go over to Mom and hug her. She  squeezed a little bit to hard, but it's actually kinda comforting. 

"I love you Mom." I croaked.

"I love you too darling."


"What is it?"

"I can't breath.."


My Mom pushes away to let me breath, and we start laughing, It was a good moment. I miss having these with my Mom. And also with my Dad...

But brighter note...

It's a official. Me and Cara are going camping.

And then I can finally tell her the truth...

Author: okay, I know this one probably even shorter than the last one but, I will really try to make them longer.

And trust me.





I know you guys want the love story, but it;s going to take sometime.

Writing is hard work. But I'll get through it.

And PLEASE VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~A Trip to Happiness~ **A PANSEXUAL STORYWhere stories live. Discover now