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I am Cupid, for I am told, but my real name is Ana. I woke up knowing my past and how I died on that day....


"Ana you were right! John asked me out!" My younger sister Mia yelled hugging me of thanks. I some how have a feeling when people had affection for each other and could tell when they needed help.

"I told you Mia." I replied hugging her back.

"How did you know?" She asked curiously as we walked back home. I shrugged in response and smiled at her. We continued walking home when I looked up at the sky and saw dark gray clouds fill the sky.

"Do you think a storm is coming?" She asked worriedly beside me gripping my hand.

"I don't know, but lets hurry home in case." I answered back with a bit of worry in my voice.

We started running home trying to avoid the storm forming above our heads, until water started falling out of the sky. It started forming big pools of water on the street.

We finally made it home, but the water started rising higher and higher. We ran inside and closed the door and locked it, but the water was already filling the house.

"Mom, Dad!" I shouted running up the stairs, dragging Mia with me. I searched the whole house trying to find our parents, but they were no where to be found.

The water quickly filled the room, submerging the house on water. I gripped Mia's hand tighter and ran up the stairs into the attic. I saw a small tall shelf in a corner that could only fit one of us on to it. I quickly pushed Mia onto the shelf just as the water began pouring into the room.

"Ana why aren't you claiming up here too?" I heard Mia ask above me. I turned my head to her and gave her a sad look.

"Mia I can only fit one if use on there. Listen to me Mia I love you with all my heart and I want you to live through this. Do you promise me you will survive this flood?" I asked sternly looking into her hazel eyes.

"What do you mean Ana? Were surviving this together." She answered now crying.

"Mia you know only one of us can live." I said back, tears rolling down my face.

"No!!" She shrieked trying to pull me up onto the shelf. I looked up in to her eyes and gave her a longing look.

The water was now at my neck and I knew I was going to die. I held her hand one last time and mouthed 'I love you' and let go.I sinked into the water and all I could see was darkness. I looked up and saw Mia's body still safe on the shelf.

My throat was burning, longing for air, and I was soon forced to breath in water. I closed my eyes and felt my body go cold, and all I saw was black.


I woke up and felt a soft almost like a pillowie feeling under me. I forced my eyes open to only see the dark sky and the stars. I quickly stood up a saw I was laying on a cloud. I looked down and saw myself dress in a dark red dress with a ribbon tied around my dresses collar. My back felt heavy all of a sudden, I turned my head around to only see pure white angel wings attached to my back. I felt warmth appear above my head, I looked up and saw a golden halo glowing brightly hovering above my head.

"Am I dead?" I whispered quietly looking at my surroundings, only to see the night sky, the clouds, and the moon.

'Yes you are Ana, but I revived you.' A voice answered.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

'I have chosen you.' The voice stated, answering my question.

"Who are you?" I asked looking around still confused.

'I am the moon.' It answered.

I quickly turned around to face the bright moon glowing above me.

"Why am I here?" I questioned.

'I have chosen you, your name shall be Cupid and you have the power of love.' It answered calmly.

"Love?" I asked with a bit of curiosity in my voice.

'Yes, you shall fulfill your destiny and help the humans find love.' He answered. I looked up at the moon questioningly and saw a glint of light at the corner of my eye.

I turned my head to see a golden bow floating from the sky above me, I grabbed it to see it was real gold.

'Use this bow to help you guide the humans to their fated ones.' The moon stated.

"No arrows?" I asked looking around.

'Use the bow and find out.' The he answered.

I held the bow up and pulled the string to my face. I pink glowing arrow appeared in my bow out of no where and sparkled in my hands ready to be released. I stood there amazed and finally released the arrow. It shot down into the clouds it's pink glow lightning the white fog. I ran following the arrow and looked down to see a village. I saw the arrow floating in thin air, it's pink glow illuminating.

"Why isn't it moving?" I questioned looking back to the moon.

'The arrow does not control itself, the one who shot it is the one that controls it.' The moon explained confidently.

I leaped of the cloud realizing I was falling to the ground. I panicked flailing my arms. I looked back and remembered about my wings. I closed my eyes and tried to move them. All of a sudden I felt wind crash on to my face, I opened my eyes and saw myself zooming through the air.

I was flying! I twirled through the air flapping me wings powerfully.

I finally landed on the ground and walked around. I looked at the smiling faces of the people around me. I,neared a corner of a cottage and saw 2 people alone. It was a blond beautiful girl and a brown haired boy. I walked up to them and saw light glowing out of them. I realized that they were in love with each other, 'Clueless love huh,' I thought grinning.

I flew up and saw the arrow still were I saw it, I motioned it to come to me and surprisingly it did. It followed me all the way to the couple glowing brighter and brighter. I pointed to the couple and I willed it to shoot at them.

It glowed brightly, zipping at the couple, splitting in half. I disappeared into the couple, illuminating them. I boy walked to the girl and started talking to her. Her face turned red of amazement and embarrassment and she started talking back.

I smiled at my work and turned around to face the moon.

"What do I do now?" I asked.

'You must fulfill your destiny.' He answered back.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

He didn't answer me back.

He never did talk back to me ever since then, leaving me to find out myself.

I was alone since then......until I met them.

My name is Cupid and I am forever to be 15 years old, and I am a guardian.


Hey! sorry I haven't been updating lately!! Please enjoy this story!Love you all! Bye!!!!:p -R.R

BTW the idea of The Guardians is not mine! I love the movie so I wanted to write a love story of it!! :D

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