Let's Chat

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So obviously it's been a while. There's been many reasons for that, but I'm not going to talk about every single one to make them sound like excuses. Because they aren't excuses in the slightest. So let's get down to it then. 

Hi. My name is Paige, and I write poetry. My main topics focused on self injury and major depressive disorder. Basically any kind of mental disorder you think of, I wrote about it. These poems started out as a way for me to express the way that I felt without directly talking to someone about it. I have gotten some amazing responses to my work that I never even dreamed I would get. I realized how important my voice was to some people and from then on I realized that I wanted to get better and try to help as many people like me as possible.

My poetry became an outlet of creativity for myself, but also an outlet of optimism for a brighter life.

Along the way I took multiple breaks because I got myself into trouble. I ended up getting caught in my self injury and sent to therapy. This wasn't around the clock care, it was just weekly sessions. At that time in my life, I began to think that there was absolutely no hope of me getting better, but I still wanted to try. I was tired of living this way. When my parents found out about my cutting, they checked every outlet of social media I was connected to, and they soon found out about my poetry. The poetry is what sent me to therapy in the first place. 

I went on a long journey of recovery and I wrote journals along the way. Recently, I have found all 3 of my journals that I wrote in. This note here is not only a discussion about where I've been, but also an announcement. 

I am deciding to close this book and all submissions. 

Submissions haven't even been particularly high. I've had 2 of them in a few years, and they were my friends who felt bad. That isn't the point, though. 

I am ending this book, but I will not delete it. I'm deciding not to delete it because it was a chapter in my life that I can't change. It happened, and I can't change it. Like I mentioned earlier, I have found my journals from my journey to recovery. And in place of this book, I am going to upload my journal entries. I'm not going to upload all of them, but I will upload the key few. I am going through them to find the best ones or the ones I see fit.

 I want to upload these to show that there is hope for people who are like I was. It is possible to get better, and I can safely say that I did better myself. I feel like I am in a good place. And I want all of you guys to be as well.

  I have uploaded the last poem that I wrote and saved as a draft 2 years ago for a final ending to close this all off.  

Thank you all for the support! I hope you continue to support me through the rest of my works! Xx

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