Chapter Sixteen

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Once again I found myself creeping through the tunnels underneath Los Angeles. In the pitch black darkness, Sam led the way through the maze of pathways that intertwined with each other in such a way that I would never have found my way through if it weren't for the cold hand resting comfortably in mine. Our footsteps echoed in our silent surroundings, well mostly mine since Sam was quiet as a cat, and the sound of my steps seemed intensified in my ears. 

The silence was only partially uncomfortable; we hadn't exactly discussed my sudden attack on his lips earlier on. We had shared a searingly hot kiss, the one I instigated, but when we had pulled apart - me panting and him looking rather stoic - my face had flushed the shade of blood and I had turned and fled to my makeshift bedroom. Being the gentleman he clearly had been raised to be, Sam left me to myself, not intruding or demanding an explanation for my elusiveness. 

Needless to say, when Sam had finally come over to tell me we needed to leave, I had felt rather anxious about how he would perceive this whole thing. But to my relief, and perhaps a teeny bit disappointment, he didn't bring it up and I wasn't about to. So we had carried on walking in silence.

We hadn't been walking for very long when Sam came to a halt, automatically forcing me to stop as well.

"What's wrong? Why are we stopping?" I asked, suddenly alarmed and on guard, my eyes darting around, even though I couldn't see anything.

Sam sighed and I felt him shift in my hand, probably to face me.

"It's a long way to go, it'll take us too long in this tempo." His voice trailed off and I frowned in the darkness.

"What do you mean? You're not planning on leaving me here, are you?" Now my voice was filled with alarm as well. I did not want to be left down here by myself. Not a chance.

"Of course I'm not leaving you Emily," I could almost see the grin on his face, "I just think there's a faster way of getting there."


"That is, if you'd care for a piggyback ride?" 

A what?

I stared at him, dumbfounded. What on earth was a piggyback ride and why would that be faster?

Sam must have sensed my confusion so he grabbed both my hands, and as he squeezed them gently I felt a familiar clench in my stomach.

"A piggyback is where I carry you on my back. I can run a whole lot faster without having to tow you along, afraid to rip your arm off if I go too fast."

On his back? Running? Was he serious? I stared at him incredulously, but it was hard to pinpoint his face in the impenetrable darkness. 

"So you want me. On your back. Down here. In the dark?" Sam suddenly didn't answer, but our hands were still linked, so I gave them a small squeeze.


"Oh sorry. I was nodding. I keep forgetting you can't see me like I can see you." A short chuckle followed and I couldn't keep the small smile off my face. I would have tried to make a small ball of light with my energy, but I was afraid I'd fry both Sam and myself in the process. 

"But yes. I want you." He paused and my breathing suddenly got hitched in my throat.

"On my back. I want you on my back." He added the last words with a somewhat nervous laughter. I let go of his hands with a small shove, but I knew he could see the smile on my face, knowing my gesture should be taken lightly. 

"Alright. Let's just do this." I said as confidently as possible. I could hear him turning and then he slowly backed into me. 

"I'm crouching down, so just step up with a leg on each side of me and wrap your arms around my neck." I did as I was told and when I felt his hips grazing my legs I leaned forward and felt my way up to his head. I tucked on his hair playfully before snaking my arms around his neck, locking my grip firmly before giving him the okay. 

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