Chapter Seventeen

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Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. After the rogue vampire stepped forward I aimed my energy ball at him, planning on hitting him right in his dirty, smug face. I could hear Sam growl a warning next to me, but even with him and my less-than-skilled fighting, we were seriously outnumbered. Try fifteen to one. But it was the anger and frustration, which had been building up inside of me that, finally took control.

I could feel my insides swelling up to such an extent that I thought if I let out the breath I was holding in, my whole body would explode with energy.

Looking at the vampire standing in front of me, egging me on with his teasing smirk, I was quick to remember why I hated that superior species with every fiber of my being. They thought that being stronger, faster and immortal made them better than us humans. Well they were wrong. And I was about to prove why.

I pulled my arm back for more release power when,

"What is going on?"

A calm and empowering male voice called out from behind the masses of vampires in front of us. It took me so off guard that I haltered in mid-action. Everyone froze and the red-eyed sea parted midways to make way for a man to walk through - his confident steps screamed authority - and I blinked to try and steady myself. I hadn't even noticed that my energy ball had extinguished, retreated back into my skin, leaving us again in the pitch black.

Thankfully, it didn't stay dark for long. Seconds later an overhead light flickered on, blinking several times before finally staying on, letting out a low buzzing sound. The light made it possible for me to take in the scene in front of me, particularly this new person.

My first thought of this man was that he had to be important. As he came through the crowd, some of the vampires actually bowed their heads towards him in some weird way that I'd never experienced before. I wanted to look over at Sam, but I felt oddly compelled to keep my eyes on this man. My heart was drumming in my ears, extinguishing all other sounds and I knew that every single vampire was definitely able to hear it. Not exactly a comforting thought.

The man stopped in front of us, the grimy yellow light from above casting shadows on his refined facial features; a strong jaw and set mouth covered in a trimmed black beard. His hair was also dark and cut short to his sides, his eyes were as red as the other vampires, but somehow they oozed of wisdom and age. His whole being called out handsome and influential. Even his clothes, which consisted of black pants and a fitting white longsleeved shirt pegged him as a man of sense. 

I was enthralled.

A movement to my side caused me to finally break free of this man's gaze and I turned my head to see Sam bowing his head gracefully like the rest of the vampires around us. His body language was that of a man in submission. I refrained from frowning out of politeness, but I was not going to bow down to anyone, especially not a dead person who ate people.

"King William, sir," Sam's spoke in a quiet and respectful tone, but it wasn't the sudden change in his personal behavior that surprised me - it was the title he had given the man standing casually in front of us. King? But I thought Shax was the King in this city?

"I am surprised to see you here Samuel, giving recent events, yet I am more surprised of the company you are keeping." With this he shifted his unnatural red eyes back to me and I almost reeled backwards from the force.

Sam lifted his head and glanced at me.

"This is Emily Carthwright, sir. I rescued her from Shax's headquarters."

"Ah. Carthwright. Things make sense now. You did go to a lot of trouble getting her out of there Samuel."

"She was worth it, sir."

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