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Being unique wasn't always my strong suit. I've never really been one who craved attention or even popularity. I've always been a face in the crowd, a forgotten stranger, a side character in some Zac Efron movie or something. But I knew I was just fooling myself because eventually, all that would change. Why? Well because I have a superpower. I'm smart. Ridiculous, right? "C'mon everyone's smart" is what you're thinking right now but if you find anyone even as smart, its either in comics or a non-fiction/comedy movie or book.

Basically, I started speaking at the age of 9 months. That doesn't really explain anything, I know. At the age of 5, I bested my teacher in an essay contest. "Oh c'mon, he just went easy on you" well wait lemme finish. In middle school, I declined an invitation by the Queen of England to........ wait for it......... re-edit the official English dictionary. See the damn look on your face, told ya. Well it was kinda expected from the youngest nobel prize winner.

But to be honest, I didnt like that kind of life. My parents died when I was younger in a train crash and I had to live by myself after a few years when my aunt also passed away. Seems difficult but I could because I was rich. How? Well after some events, the official government of the country were skeptical about me being a public figure because my intellect was unexplainable. It was bad for business (Don't know how or if I could even call it that) so they struck a deal with me. I would be hidden from the world and assumed as a legend while everything concerning me online would be taken down.

However, I would be paid handsomely. And that seemed like the best option at the time since I had no money or home.

So I lived alone, bored all the time and there was nothing that could change that. Except one thing, to drop my life and go live in an orphanage. It seemed ill advised and definately uncomfortable but life would be more of life again.

Before I got there, I picked up a new name being Clay Summers (Summers was ironic to my real last name, "Springfield" ). So I stayed there for approximately 2 months when I got offered to go live with a new family, which I did. The good news was that it was quick and it got me out of there fast, but the bad news was I was picking up what I left, because the family I was adopted by were a rich pair with three daughters and and urge and despiracy for a son.

And like that, I started living my old life again, kinda.
And I had to get a new name again. So I just picked a name I thought was good at the moment. "Ash".

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