XIII- The Day

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Ash: Wait. Stop talking guys. He's right. I didn't think you'd get serious to hear this, but if you want to leave because of it then I might as well tell you then.
Dante: See.
Adrian: Dude not cool.
Trent: We were on your side.
Ash: Well it wasn't really a secret, it was something that I thought you didn't care. The truth and the secret is........... I'm the one.
Dante: See. Wait, that what?
Ash: That Mr Asuno was talking about. I'm the smartest boy in the world.
Trent: Dude be serious.
Ash: Ask me anything.
Adrian: What's 175 times 123?
Ash: 21,525.
Adrian: Wait (gets a calculator to check), dude he's right.
Trent: C'mon, he's just lucky. The what's the square root of 69?
Ash: Seriously? 8.3066238629.
Trent: Check it.
Adrian: Woow, he's right dude.
Dante: What the?
Ash: If that's enough to prove it, now do you believe me?
Trent: Well I do.
Adrian: Yeah, me too.
Ash: I just never thought it was a big deal that's all.
Adrian: Well I understand. Dante, I think you owe him an apology.
Dante: Your right. Bro, I don't know what came over me.
Trent: You sure it isn't jealousy?
Dante: What! What do you mean?
Adrian: He means we know you like Payton.
Dante: Whhuuuutttt? No I don't?
Adrian: Don't worry though, we broke up.
Dante: Seriously? YES!!
Ash: Says the guy that doesn't like her.
Dante: Whatever dude. But it doesn't matter cuz she loves someone else.
Ash: Oh yeah she told you too. Wow. But you can be the person or even beat him to it.
Dante: Honestly I don't think I can. I'll just stick to Bianca.
Ash: Okay, Suit yourself.

Then we laughed and kept on talking until it was night time and we slept off.
Months had passed and Valentine's Day had crept by. Everyone was looking for a valentine, but I wasn't really bothered. Honestly, I felt I already had my fill on dating so I was definitely not looking forward to this valentine. Honestly, Valentine's Day is one of the worst days of the year based on my perspective and the most ridiculous celebrating days. I mean who celebrates the one thing no one can control about them? Disgusting! But apparently, I was among the back pages of TSM on who I'm carrying to the party. So on the 13th we had class and this happened-

Payton: Hey Ashie.
Ash: Oh hey Payton, whats up?
Payton: Oh nothing. I was just wondering what you were doing tomorrow on Val day?
Ash: Idk, nothing.
Payton: Cool so.....
Ash: Cuz I hate Valentine's Day. And
Payton: Oh, but uhm, I was thinking if you can go out with me for dinner or something.
Ash: Don't you think the public will ask questions about us or have the wrong impression?
Payton: It'll just be an hour or two at Luijis, no biggie.
Ash: Well fine, if you say so. But thats if I'm not doing anything though.
Payton: No problem. I'll see you later (leaving the class).
Ash: Where are you going, the class is about to ........... and she's gone.

I didn't understand why she stormed off but I just felt it was urgent. After class, I walked Angela to her room and I saw Evie there. When she saw me she looked at me like she wanted something so she came towards me.

Ash: Hey E, want something?
Evie: Well I actually want to ask for a favor.
Ash: Im all ears.
Evie: Ok so you know about the party coming up tomorrow, right?
Ash: Yyeaaahhhhh?
Evie: Well I was thinking, how about you take me to it?
Ash: Hahahahaha........ oh you're not kidding?
Evie: Please it'll just be fun.
Ash: Cmon, you know I can't.
Evie: Why?
Ash: Because..........

Then I look up and see the whole room looking at us.

Ash: Lets take this outside(dragging her out)
Evie: Ok jeez. But seriously though.
Ash: (Whispering) What if people find out that we were actually lovers back then.
Evie: We'll just deny it then.
Ash: You know that's not effective all the time.
Evie: So what are you saying?
Ash: Im saying I'm not even going in the first place.
Evie: Or are you just embarrassed to go with me?
Ash: What! No cmon E. You know that's not true. I swear if I was going, I would've gone with you. But the whole Snow and Vanessa thing makes me wanna box up from this whole valentine stuff.
Evie: Ok. Even though that was like 3 months ago, I'll respect your judgement.
Ash: Thank you for that.
Evie: But as long as you're not going.
Ash: I swear.
Evie: Ok. Anyways laters. I gotta go shower for my makeover session.
Ash: So who're you going with?
Evie: I dunno. Im just gonna join the matchmaking and see who I get.
Ash: I just hope it isn't some bozo.
Evie: Who still uses that word. Thats soooooo last season.
Ash: Whatever. Laters.
Evie: Toodles.

Then I left her for my room. While I was going, I accidentally hit something I wasn't supposed to. It was a signpost on the street. I panicked and walked away fast because it's an offence to vandalize street equipment. Immediately I got to my room, I closed the door to wait out hoping no one saw. Not so long from that, I heard a knock on the door. I got scared but then I heard a voice saying 'Ash?' in a feminine teenage way. I listened well and found out it was Angela.

Ash: Wow, you scared me. what's up?
Angela: Oh nothing. Just came to laugh at your misfortune.
Ash: Wait, you saw that?
Angela: Yup, and you might hate me for this but I'm doing it for your own good. I'm gonna tell Principal Sanchez if you don't take me to the party.
Ash: What! Why?
Angela: Cuz I don't want you to become a loser and miss all the fun.
Ash: Well, I hate Valentine's Day. Is that too much to understand?
Angela: Yeah. Why do you hate it?
Ash: It's the day my parents died, okay?
Angela: Oh (looking surprised) I didn't know.
Ash: Yeah. So I just want to be alone.
Angela: What! That's even better. You're supposed to honor them by being happy. Cmon just this once, try to be happy. I understand that you don't want to remember the past, but the best you can do is honor it.
Ash: That's true. (exhaling) Fine. But you CANNOT tell Evie about it.
Angela: My lips are sealed, Ashie.

Honestly, I didn't even want to go, but I just had a glimpse of how different it would have been if I was the only one who didn't go especially in this school that reputation is everything. But the problem was that Evie would not forgive me if I showed up.
The party took place at the school hall. It was a huge place and, as expected, every body was there. It started 9:00pm but Angela and I came in by 9:23. The crowd was roaring and the DJ mixed the best tunes. It was hard to admit, but it looked awesome. I entered with Angie and offered her some punch. While I went to get the punch, I came across Aiden Yega, you know, Adrian's bro.

Aiden: I thought you wouldn't show up?
Ash: Me too. I got dragged.
Aiden: Well some wise dude said, "You can drag a horse to water but you can't force it to drink".
Ash: Meaning?
Aiden: You have to choose to have fun. Can't be forced to do that, can you?
Ash: True that. I guess I needed that. Thanks dude.
Aiden: Anytime bro. Wait, I think your date needs you or something.

Then I turned only to see Evie looking at me. She looked so disappointed and like that wasn't enough, Angela came and hugged me saying she'd missed me. Then Evie walked towards another direction. "Evie wait!" I shouted across the room as she walked against me.

To Be Continued.....

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