XXIII- The Friend

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Hearing those words made me question my choices. I would have never in a million years known that Cherrie was Dante's sister. I mean I knew he had two but the only one I knew was Star Darienette, and that's cuz she's a popular musician. But I never knew the name of his younger sister. Not just that, I wouldn't have guessed that she was in the same class as him.

Ash: You're kidding, right?
Cherrie: No, he's not.
Ash: Wait. Why didn't you tell me?
Cherrie: I thought you knew?
Ash: If I did I wouldn't have tried dating you.
Cherrie: What does THAT mean?
Ash: No, not like tha..... you know what I mean.

Then I turned to Dante who was furious, he couldn't even look at me.

Ash: Dude I'm serious, I didn't know.

Then silence filled the place a bit from the drama as Dante said "I trusted you". With those words, he walked out. Now, I knew why he was mad, but I felt he didn't understand my point of view. Due to that, I forgot totally about the whole Zayn situation. I wanted to go after him to explain but Cherrie held my hand. "Don't. It'll make it worse" she said.
And that was how we left the situation on hold. I had no idea what to do because I really liked Cherrie, but I also really care about Dante. Sure he got angry easily, but he always has my back and he's a really good friend. It was a very big decision but I felt I wasn't ready to take such. So I left for my room. We were supposed to be packing anyways before they announce the winning team for the event so I used it as an opportunity. While packing, i was visited by someone I honestly didn't expect, Vanessa.

Vanessa: How're you doing with the whole situation?
Ash: Ok, I guess. Just really surprising to find out something so huge at the last moment.
Vanessa: Yeah. I honestly don't know why she didn't tell you earlier. Feels kinda selfish.
Ash: To be fair, it probably would've hindered me from trying to go out with her and she realized that
Vanessa: True. So what are you gonna do?
Ash: Honestly, for the first time in my life, I don't know. But for now I don't want to think about it too much.
Vanessa: Well, piece of advice, picking one doesn't necessarily mean losing the other if you play your cards right.
Ash: True. Thanks for that.

Then I smile at her and she smiles back.

Ash: Anyways, enough about me. So you and Payton huh?
Vanessa: Well...... yeah(smiling)
Ash: That's actually really huge. How'd that happen.
Vanessa: To be honest, I didn't expect it. I mean I've always liked both guys and girls but I never thought I'd like a girl that likes me back.
Ash: Well it's cute. You guys found yourselves in this crazy world.
Vanessa: Yeah. But can you believe she used to hate me?
Ash: Yup. She told me.
Vanessa: Wait, really?
Ash: Yeah. She said she hated your personality. It was probably cuz of the way you treated me.
Vanessa: Ouch, that hurts.
Ash: Well you did treat me like garbage.
Vanessa: Can you stop with the emphasis (laughing).
Ash: (laughing a little) Well I'm not wrong.

And we talked a little more when she left for her room to pack as well. She was right about the part of not losing one of the two of them if I was critical about the situation so I had an idea.
The first thing I had to do was to apologize to Dante. I knew I needed him to hear me out but I didn't blame him for how he reacted. So after I was done, I went to his room to talk to him.

Ash: Uhm, hey Dante.
Dante: Hey
Ash: Look I have to tell you.......
Dante: No wait, lemme go first. What I did, the way I reacted, wasn't right. I do believe you when you say you didn't know. It's just that it took me by surprise and I felt betrayed at the moment. I'm sorry for the harsh behavior and by now you should know I have anger issues. I don't want that to be an excuse and if I'm being sincere, you've been a really good friend and I feel like I've been taking that for granted. I'm sorry bro.
Ash: It's all good man. Truly, I don't blame you. You were just instinctively looking out for your sister and I get it. I just hope we're good.
Dante: Well we are. And to prove it, I give you permission to go out with Cherrie.
Ash: Woow really? You sure?
Dante: Yeah. It might hurt me a little bit, but I'll learn to get used to it. I truly am sorry.
Ash: Me too, man.

Honestly, that went smoother than I expected. He was fine with Cherrie and I and gave us the green flag. I still felt bad but I went to talk to Cherrie about it.
When I got to her room, she was already done packing. When she saw me she looked a bit surprised but still hugged me.

Cherrie: I'm so glad you're here. For a second I thought you were dodging me.
Ash: What. Why would I do that?
Cherrie: I don't know, pressure maybe.
Ash: Well you don't need to worry about me dodging you. No matter what happens.
Cherrie: I believe you. Anyways when are you going to talk to Dante?
Ash: Already did.
Cherrie: Wait, really?
Ash: Yeah. And he's fine with us going out.
Cherrie: Wait, are you kidding? Oh my goodness, that's amazing.

And as she said that, she kissed me. I had finally gotten the girl I'd wanted. BUT.....

Cherrie: (Moving back) What's wrong? You don't look happy.
Ash: Cherrie........
Cherrie: Wait...... what's happening.
Ash: We need to talk about this.
Cherrie: Ash, please stop.
Ash: Cherrie, c'mon. You know it isn't fair.
Cherrie: I don't care about Dante. I only care about you.
Ash: You know that's not who I am. I can't do this to my best friend.
Cherrie: (tearing up) But you said he was okay with it.
Ash: Yes, but by words. I could tell it was eating him up and he was trying to compromise. And I can't hurt him.
Cherrie: This isn't fair Ash, you promised. You promised me this wouldn't happen.
Ash: Just shows how I'm not right for you.
Cherrie: (crying a lot now) Please don't say that.

Tears had filled her eyes as I comforted her and she cried intensively. Seeing her cry made tears roll out of my eyes as well. She was really hurt from this decision and I felt it was really selfish of me to do what I had just done. I stayed until she got better and we talked about it a little more. Although she cried, she handled it better than most would and accepted it. She said that for me to come to such a conclusion, I must have thought about it very well and knew that that was the best option. I told her she was giving me too much credit for the decision because I felt it wasn't honestly my best one. And after a long talk, we were fine.
After that, during our departure dinner, we decided to mention the decision to the others.

Ash: Hey guys.
Payton: Hey Ash, hey Cher-bear.
Cherrie: Hi honey.
Leonel: So Dante tells us the good news. Congratulations you two.

Then Cherrie looks down as her face changes a little bit.

Ash: Actually....... We talked about it and we decided to be just friends.
Vanessa: Oh wow.
Leonel: Dude, I thought you said you were cool with it.
Dante: I am. I told him I was fine with it.
Ash: It's not just about that, it's also a decision we agreed on.
Payton: Cherrie, is that true.
Cherrie: Well yeah. Personally I'm not happy about it, but I know in the long run it'll be the best choice.
Payton: Ash you came up with this idea?
Ash: I guess.
Payton: Are you kidding. Por qué le harías esto a mi hermana? How would you do this to her?
Cherrie: Payton, no. Don't be mad. I agree with the decision.
Ash: Payton trust me when I say this isn't what I want.
Payton: Then why the fuck would you do it to her?
Vanessa: Babe calm down.
Ash: BECAUSE........ Because Dante's my best friend and I know him. Yes he said it's fine, but I know if it were me, even if I said it is, deep deep down I know there's still a part of me that wouldn't want it. And I cannot put him through that. He's already given up a lot for me, and I can't make him give up more. Even if it means losing someone I care about.

Then the place went silent for a few seconds.

Payton: I'm sorry for overreacting. I forgot how much she meant to you as well and what you were sacrificing. And if being just friends is what you both agreed on, then I'm okay with that.
Cherrie: Thanks Payton.

Then Dante stood up from his chair and looked at me with a sad expression. After some time, he rushed in and hugged me tight. " I'm so sorry for everything I've ever done to you" were the words that flew from his mouth. I responded my telling him it was ok. After the emotional scene, we had dinner and the mood later brightened up. The next day, we boarded the plane and we were back at school by the end of the day.

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